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Legendary Culinary in Pamekasan, Campor Lorjhu

Diperbarui: 23 Juni 2024   14:56

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Dokumentasi pribadi: Campor Lorjhu' Bu Erna Desa Pademawu Barat, Pamekasan.

If you drop in Pamekasan, it won't be complete if you haven't enjoyed the Pamekasan culinary "Campor Lorjhu'."

In Pamekasan, Campor Lorjhu'is widely sold by people in Pademawu village. The main ingredient to make that is Lorjhu' itself. Lorjhu' was chosen as a substitute for meat because most Pamekasan people work as fishermen. 

Campor Lorjhu'  looks like a coto. However, there are difference in the spices used. The spices used in cooking Campor Lorjhu' include shallots, garlic, leeks, red chilies, salt, and other complements. 

For Campor Lorjhu' complementary branches such as rice cake, peanut brittle crumbs, soy sauce, vermicelli, fried bean sprouts and chili sauce. The way to process Lorjhu' is by cleaning and then boiling. The boiled water is not thrown away but it's used as a sauce for the Campor Lorjhu'. After boiling, the Lorjhu' is drained and seasoned, then fried.

Campor Lorjhu' sauce is made by pouring Lorjhu' boiled water in a pan and adding the sauteed Campor Lorjhu' seasoning. It's usually only a little powder stock is added because the Lorjhu' cooking water is already tasty.

The way to serve, it's quite simple. It's by cutting the rice cake by small pieces on a plate, then adding vermicelli, peanut brittle crumbs, fried sprouts, soy sauce an drizzling with sauce. Don't forget, if you want it to be more delicious, for spicy lovers, you must add chili sauce.

For only IDR 10,000, you can enjoy a plate of this typical Pamekasan culinary delight.

"Campor Lorjhu' is one of several typical Pamekasan culinary delights, because this type of food only exists in Pamekasan. Only in our hometown that people looking for Lorjhu' that found when the sea water recedes, because people work as fishermen" Said the Campor Lorjhu' seller in West Pademawu Village, Pamekasan, Erna (*).


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