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Amelia Nurjihaan
Amelia Nurjihaan Mohon Tunggu... mahasiswa

I'm a second-year student at one of the universities in Semarang. As an active student, I follow the organization of assemblies to add experience. and as long as I attend the assembly of majors, I am in the division of advocacy and household. in that division with the program of work that has been completed I am active in the field of design. I already have progress in terms of design and here I will learn for new writing experience.



Ilmu Sosbud

Restricted Access to Education in Indonesia

12 Desember 2023   14:55 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2023   15:07 64
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Education is an important part, which is one of the key factors in improving the quality of the country. However, in fact, access to education in Indonesia is still very difficult, especially for people in remote and remote areas who have financial limitations. Equal access to education is still a big problem in remote areas due to the lack of adequate infrastructure and facilities. Another problem that hampers access to education in Indonesia is limited funds. As a result, many schools in remote areas are still unable to provide supporting services. Related to this problem, there are several solutions to increase access to education. must focus on improving infrastructure and educational facilities in remote areas. However, to increase access to education in Indonesia, the active role of local communities is also important in providing appropriate education programs in remote areas. The government has tried to improve the equal distribution of funds for all regions in terms of education funds, but misuse of education funds has still occurred frequently for decades. The problem of funding for equal distribution of school facilities has yet to be resolved.

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