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Dian Amelia
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saya adalah seorang mahasiswi unesa dan sedang menempuh pendidikan bahasa jerman. saya mungkin terlihat cuek dan sombong dari luar, itu hanya pandangan dari orang2 yang belum mengenal siapa saya.




The Advantages of Studying Germany

25 November 2011   01:45 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   23:14 26
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Gadget. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/ThisIsEngineering

German universities have an excellent reputation throughout in the world. They produce significant and internationally applicable advances in research and innovation. Many pioneering inventions were created in Germany. The list of German Nobel Prize winners is long – sixty-eight alone in the field of science and medicine. These include Willheim Conrad Röntgen, Robert Koch, Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Christiane Nüsslein-Vorhard and Harald zur Hausen. And Germany isn’t called the “land of poets and thinkers” for nothing. It has produced great philosophers like Kant, Hegel and Adorno, poets like Goethe, Heine and Brecht, and renowned compesers, such as Bach, Beethoven and Brahms.

Science and research have a long tradition in Germany and still play an important role today. The oldest university was founded in Heidelberg in 1386. There are over 360 nationally accredited universities located in more than 170 cities and towns in Germany. These universities offer a wide range of opportunities to study and research with more than 13.000 degree programmes, 800 of which are internationally oriented.

Your child will find optimal conditions for gaining a successful education in Germany. The facilities at universities and research institutes are well-equipped. Students receive intensive academic advising, but are also taken seriously as future scholars and scientists.

And of course, German is one of the most important scientific languages and is shared by over 125 millon people worldwide. Although English ia a must, German is a plus. Most people regard English as essential, but knowing another foreign language can improve one’s career chances in a globalised world. That’s why learning German is a good idea!

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