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Amanda ChelsieChen
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Mahasiswi dari Kampus Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta Jurusan Hubungan Internasional




Diplomacy Defense : Indonesia - Turkey Bilateral Relations Through Defense Cooperation

11 Januari 2024   06:22 Diperbarui: 12 Januari 2024   20:54 136
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To meet broader foreign and security policy objectives, defense cooperation was undertaken, which led to today's defense diplomacy. Among other things, military cooperation and assistance are used to build more cooperative relationships with former or possible adversaries, known as strategic engagement. Defense diplomacy is conducted, among other things, to balance the need to improve defense capabilities, enhance defense self-reliance, and create regional security stability. Diplomatic efforts at the global, regional, and bilateral levels are critical to the success of defense diplomacy.

And in this article discusses the theory of defense diplomacy and its application in the cooperation between Indonesia and Turkey in the development of the Tiger medium battle tank. The journal discusses the collaboration between Indonesia and Turkey in the development of the Harimau tank, which is part of Indonesia's efforts to achieve national interests in defense and security. The research aims to analyze the benefits for Indonesia in this collaboration, exploring both the advantages and potential drawbacks. The collaboration provides Indonesia with advantages in enhancing defense industry capabilities and meeting defense needs, while also strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries. However, it is noted that Turkey also benefits from increased access to the Indonesian defense market. The research aims to understand the reasons, actors, and impacts of this collaboration, as well as its benefits for readers, researchers, and future studies. The collaboration has its shortcomings, including the lack of significant technology transfer, increased reliance on Turkey, higher defense budgets, and potential political risks. Defense diplomacy plays a crucial role in managing international relations and negotiations specifically focused on defense-related issues. The defense industries of both Indonesia and Turkey are vital in their respective national interests. The joint production collaboration presents an opportunity for the domestic defense industry to participate in the development of the tank, potentially boosting long-term defense capabilities and the economy. It also opens up opportunities to market the Harimau tank globally. Overall, the collaboration aims to address Indonesia's lag in defense equipment and technology by partnering with Turkey. The research emphasizes the potential benefits of the collaboration, including enhancing defense capabilities, technology transfer, and economic growth. It also highlights the strategic interests of both countries and the potential for strengthening defense industries and economic development. The collaboration is seen as a means to strengthen Indonesia's defense industry, achieve technological independence, and address external threats. It is also noted that Turkey has economic and ideological interests in the collaboration, aiming to expand its influence in Islamic countries. The research underscores Indonesia's national interests in defense and security, emphasizing the importance of the collaboration in strengthening the defense industry and aligning economic and defense development.

In conclusion, the journal provides a comprehensive analysis of the collaboration between Indonesia and Turkey in the development of the Harimau tank, highlighting its potential benefits and drawbacks, as well as its significance in achieving national defense and security interests.

Defense diplomacy is closely related to international relations because it is a method of managing international relations between two countries through special negotiations that discuss the field of defense. Defense diplomacy plays an important role in enabling a country to purchase weapons from other countries for the purpose of developing its defense forces. This is done through strategic cooperation efforts in terms of military assistance, purchase of defense equipment, export credits, construction of military bases, and provision of security umbrellas. In the context of international relations, defense diplomacy can also influence domestic political conditions, such as changes in government policies and political instability in a country. In addition, cooperation in the defense industry between two countries can strengthen diplomatic relations and increase the country's capacity in the field of defense, which will ultimately affect international relations between the two countries. Cooperation in defense diplomacy can also affect the security and integrity of each country, thus having a significant impact in the context of international relations.

The collaboration between Indonesia and Turkey in the production of Tiger Tanks has been a significant endeavor, aimed at improving the defense capabilities of both countries. However, this partnership has raised several important points, including the absence of substantial technology transfer, Indonesia's potential increased dependence on Turkey, an increased defense budget, greater dependence on Turkish technology, and increased political risks. It is in this context that defense diplomacy emerges as an important method of managing international relations between the two countries, specifically focusing on defense-related negotiations. Indonesia and Turkey's defense industries play an important role in their respective national interests. The cooperation between PT Pindad and FNSS in developing medium tanks is part of Indonesia's efforts to build independence in the defense industry. This cooperation not only benefits Indonesia by enhancing defense industry capabilities and meeting defense needs, but also strengthens bilateral relations between the two countries. However, Turkey also benefits by expanding access to the Indonesian defense market. This collaboration is part of defense diplomacy that aims to strengthen the defense capabilities of the countries involved. Of course, this contribution is very real because it is the main contribution of Indonesia's defense diplomacy towards Turkey. Indonesia's cooperation with the defense industry is expected to improve military capabilities, especially in the development of medium-range tanks. Given that Indonesia is currently increasing the quantity and quality of combat vehicles.

Moreover, the collaboration in defense production may also pose challenges related to the transfer of knowledge and skills. Ensuring effective technology transfer and knowledge sharing between the two nations is crucial for the long-term success of the collaboration and the development of indigenous defense capabilities. In summary, the challenges and obstacles in the theory of defense diplomacy in this collaboration

  • Include the potential increase in reliance on foreign technology.
  • The absence of substantial technology transfer, amplified defense budgets.
  • Political risks, and the transfer of knowledge and skills.
  •  Addressing these challenges is essential for the successful implementation of defense diplomacy and the achievement of mutual benefits for indonesia and turkey.

(Multazam, 2010), (Fauzi, 2022), (Amrullah), (Triantama, 2020).

Perkenalkan nama saya Amanda Chelsi Chen , Prodi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta Akreditas B, Angkatan 2022. Dengan memilih kuliah di ilmu hubungan internasional, saya bisa pelajari banyak ilmu seperti ekonomi, sejarah, hukum internasional, filsafat, geografi, dan lain-lain. Selain itu, saya juga akan dilatih untuk lebih kritis terhadap isu global dan memiliki kemampuan analisis yang baik. Jurusan ini juga menawarkan peluang kerja yang luas dan dapat membuka kesempatan untuk bekerja di berbagai bidang yang berhubungan dengan dunia internasional, Dosen Favorite saya selama kuliah 3 semester ini yang pertama ada Bapak Dosen Muhammad Ridha Iswardhana ,S.I.P.,M.A, karena beliau itu menyampaikan materi dengan baik dan mudah dipahami, serta suka membantu mahasiswa/mahasiswi dalam mengerjakan makalah atau paper, dan beliau juga ramah dan mudah berbaur dengan mahasiswa/mahasiswi dikelas. Lalu yang kedua ada Ibu Dosen Hidayat Chusnul Chotimah, S.I.A, M.A. beliau juga sangat baik dan pemaparan materi juga mudah dipahami, dan beliau dalam memberi masukan/saran itu sangat membantu mahasiswa/mahasiswi, beliau juga suka membantu mahasiswa/mahasiswi yang ingin konsultasi seputar Ilmu Hubungan Internasional. Rencana Konsentrasi saya adalah Dengan memilih konsentrasi bisnis internasional, saya berharap akan dapat dan bisa mempelajari aspek-aspek bisnis di tingkat internasional, perdagangan, investasi asing, dan lembaga keuangan internasional, yang dapat membuka peluang karier di berbagai bidang terkait bisnis internasional.

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