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Ilmu Sosbud

Julian of Norwich Everlasting Message

30 Agustus 2024   14:26 Diperbarui: 13 September 2024   14:29 55
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A young woman named Julian of Norwich set out on a spiritual quest in the fourteenth century that would permanently alter her conception of God. In her early thirties, she was suffering from a severe sickness when she had a series of mystical visions that made clear God's immense love. Her most famous piece, "Revelations of Divine Love," was built upon these meetings.

Julian offered a thorough examination of God's love in her works. According to her, love is the ultimate reality and the source and support of all life. She stressed the eternal essence of God's love even in the face of life's adversities. Julian's viewpoint provided consoling and encouraging words for individuals looking for spiritual direction.

Readers still find "Revelations of Divine Love" to be a timeless classic, even after decades. Julian's insights about the nature of God and the necessity of love offer a valuable source of inspiration and peace for those seeking a deeper connection to the holy.

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