Reference words are usually short words and are often in the form of pronouns: it, she, he, this, that, they, one, and others. Such words are very important in helping us understand how the parts of a paragraph fit together. Reference words that refer to something that has been mentioned before are called anaphora, and those that refer to something that comes after are called cataphora.
7. Understanding Phrases
There are many phrases in English language structure, including noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, adverbial phrases, prepositional phrases, and others.
8. Understanding, Analyzing Sentence Patterns
The formation of sentence elements consists of S.V.O.C.A (subject, verb, object, complement, adverbial). And the sentence patterns listed in a paragraph are often different. So it takes a quick and precise understanding and analysis in reading it.
9. Understanding the Meaning of Punctuation
Punctuation plays a very important role in understanding and interpreting a reading. The punctuation marks discussed include: period (.), question mark (?), exclamation mark (!), comma (,), colon (:), semicolon (;), dash (_), brackets (()), quotation marks ("), hyphen (-), and apostrophe (').
10. Understanding the Meaning of Cohesion Markers
Sentences in a text do not stand alone, but move and operate together with what came before and what comes after.
The benefits of Intensive Reading are improving our language skills, better critical thinking, and improving memory.
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