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Alvriza Mohammed Fadly
Alvriza Mohammed Fadly Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa Film dan Televisi UPI 2020

A Student of Film and Television Study Program In Indonesia University of Education. Likes to write entertainment news and practicing journalistic production and distribution.




Do Not Be Sorry, Be Better (God of War PC Port Review)

27 Januari 2022   21:49 Diperbarui: 27 Januari 2022   21:56 689
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Picture 1. Kratos and his son Atreus. (Source: Sony PlayStation).

Previously, PlayStation had ported its game into PC namely the winner of game awards 2018, God of War. It continues the journey of Kratos, God of War in Greek pantheon, who currently lives in a Norse pantheon. 

After killing his entire family and destroyed the Greek pantheon in God of War 3, Kratos left his birthplace and transmigrated to Scandinavian territory. Unlike previous games where he's filled with anger and vengeance, Kratos behaves differently. 

He's very mature and wise, regretting his actions that indirectly led to his demise. Now, he lives in a seclusive forest with his son, Atreus. After his wife passed away, she asked to scatter her ashes at the highest peak of 9 realms as a mother's last wish. Willing to fulfill her wish, Kratos and Atreus then make their journey while encountering mystical creatures and Norse Gods.

Picture. 2 Kratos visiting Veithurgard (Source: Sony PlayStation).
Picture. 2 Kratos visiting Veithurgard (Source: Sony PlayStation).

God of War 4 takes a different narrative storytelling where it centers on familial relationship endured by several major characters, especially Kratos and Atreus. The game successfully delivers a dramatic tensions from every character such as Kratos developing a strong bond with Atreus after their loss. Together, they face their enemies by creating a powerful tag team play. 

Unlike previous god of war games, it has a mixture of unique tones while entering certain stages, such as stepping into the realm of Helheim and Niflheim. There are unpredictable moments encountered which increase its quality of gameplay, and beautiful environment to explore. 

Unfortunately, only 6 of 9 realms of a Norse pantheon that Kratos can access outside Asgard, Vanaheim, and Svartalfheim. This slightly decreases the experience of exploring the environment inside the game, especially for Asgard, which was popularized by Marvel through movies. 

Not to mention that you can only access Jotunheim for once and unable to re-enter the realm. Aside from limited stage level, God of War has incredible storytelling with a completely distinct style and a virtue gameplay mechanic.

Picture.3 Kratos Encourage Atreus To Be Better (Source: Sony PlayStation)
Picture.3 Kratos Encourage Atreus To Be Better (Source: Sony PlayStation)

All characters exist in the game are well-developed. Kratos, The God of War of Greek Pantheon, portrays as a father figure who tries to redeem his sinful actions in a new life. He behaves maturely and heedfully in taking actions for every decision. As he tries to hide his real identity from his son, the Norse gods always taunted Kratos as an exiled outsider. 

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