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ALVINA MADANIA PRAHADI 2021 Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswi UIN Jakarta

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10 Desember 2022   20:14 Diperbarui: 10 Desember 2022   20:27 148
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Mara has close friends that she loves very much, namely Lala. At this time they were having lunch during their break, while they were eating suddenly a group of girls who bullied Mara earlier came, yes, their names were tikka, Febri and Ruma. They came just to mock Mara and friends. Febri, one of the bullies suddenly tugged Lala's hair while giggling, then left. Mara really wanted to slap one of them, but was held back by Lala.

"Hey, are you okay?" Mara asked Lala.

"A bit sore, but that's okay, thanks"

Break time is over, it's time for students to go to class.

Mara and her friends entered the class and sat down in their respective places. In a class where the room is rather small, boys running around, girls gossiping -I hear them talking about adult things- because the teacher hasn't come yet. Mara is seen taking out a book and scribbling, it seems Mara likes to draw anime. When Mara was drawing suddenly tikka came and took Lala's book.

"The fuck?" cursed Mara.

"Ha-ha, what is this ugly art, you can't draw at all lice haired girl! This is the worst art I have ever seen." said tikka as he tore up Mara's book.

"Give it back, Tikka!" said Mara while reaching for the book which was taken by Tikka, but Tikka kept dodging it, then threw the book in Mara's face. Mara's face looks red, her eyes bulge as if it wants to come out, her gaze looks like she wants to kill.

The class was silent for a moment, they all heard the cry which turned out to be from Mara, a group of girls who bullied Mara were happy because Mara was crying, and that was a victory for them. When the class was silent, the teacher came, they looked panicked and sat on their respective benches. The teacher saw Mara who was crying and asked what was wrong, but there was no answer.

"It's Lala who made Mara cry, ma'am!" said Tikka.

"WHAT?! IT IS NOT TRUE, RIGHT MARA??" Lala screamed, didn't accept it, but Mara didn't answer and still dragged on with her sadness, yes, stupid Mara.

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