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Joseph, a Devout Jew in Palestine is Very Cruel, and Then Felt Guilty so Far Indoctrinated to Fight Against Islam

3 Mei 2010   04:54 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   16:27 157
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Assallamua'allaikum Wr Wb Joseph, a devout Jew in Palestine is very cruel, and then felt guilty so far indoctrinated to fight against Islam Yousef al-Khattab was a friend I'm in the facebook social network he's very friendly and I was thrilled with him because he has a talent for preaching of Islam may Allah protect him wherever he walked and walked every step of his foot amen, here are some stories about the friends I named Yousef al-Khattab He actively fought the expansion of Jewish settlements in the country. She regularly attend classes held by an orthodox rabbi in his city. After studying religion objectively he converted to Islam, he himself was threatened as a terrorist. When the cartoon South Park edition of the 200 who made the joke material Prophet wearing a bear costume, there was a very angry young man, Yousef al-Khattab. He even spontaneous remarks to the people behind the cartoons to be careful, because they might be the target of Muslim anger as well as film director Theo Van Gogh in the Netherlands who died was stabbed. His words were then written in various media as a "threat of radical Islamic groups against the creators of South Park." Even as this news well, remove the cartoon producer edition "silly-konyolan" it. Yousef al-Khattab's Who? Not many people know. People only see it as a devout Muslim who "easily ignited" if warnings abused. The truth, Yousef converts real name is Joseph Cohen. Before returning to live in the United States, he was a member of the Jewish hawks in the West Bank. He moved to Israel because doronagn strong belief in Jewish teachings. There, he was actively fighting the expansion of Jewish settlements in the country. She regularly attend a class held by an orthodox rabbi in his city. One day, he as always surfing the internet. In a chat room (chat room), he met a friend who is a Muslim discussion. The two exchanged opinions about their respective thoughts. Conversation made an impression on the hearts Cohen. Later, he who later migrated back to the United States and found a lot of enlightenment. Finally, he read the "syahadat" and became a Muslim. Shortly after he uttered the confession of faith, his wife and four children Yousef follow in his footsteps to become Muslims. Now, Yousef al-Khattab active preaching among Jews, though he himself disowned by their families who do not like to see it converted to Islam. He acknowledged, preaching about Islam among the Jews was not an easy job. According to him, who first had to be done in introducing Islam is, that there is only one manhaj in Islam which is carried by Rasululullah manhaj SAW who then forwarded by friends and his successors until the present. In that country, he founded an organization for youth that some members are Muslim converts. However, overdo organization branded as hard-line groups. "This is another risk of preaching," he said. Wallaikum Sallam Wr Wb

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