At this time we’re not surprised anymore that the online system is being implemented anywhere, including in education or we can call it online learning. This system has been applied since the whole world affected by the coronavirus so that offline learning was replaced by online learning. However, online learning gives a negative impact on students.
Some students feel stress with online learning because it's spending a lot of internet quota. This situation can occur because sometimes the lecturer only uses an application which is spent a lot of quota internet continuously.Â
Moreover, we also know that not all the students have WIFI in their house so they have to spend a lot of their money to buy internet quota. It's not true if they only use internet quota for online learning. Many students also use their quota for social media. Examples are Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, etc. I don’t know why it’s become very hard for students even though studying.Â
We also know that on normal days I mean when offline learning they use internet quota for playing a game, social media continuously, but they feel fine. Besides, online learning is not used if we are not in an emergency condition.Â
This online system is also applied throughout the world. Instead, you must make the best use of your quota internet. You have to think and make prioritize which one is needed. Then, you have to be aware that online learning only uses if we are in an emergency condition. Therefore, your internet quota is beneficial.Â
Online learning makes students not totality in practice exams. This situation can happen because every student not necessarily has facilities that support their practice exams at home. Sometimes they also have to find or buy the materials that to support their practice even though we are in an emergency condition like this time. Therefore, this situation makes many students lazy to do practice exams online. Even though it's true but some students argue that they do practice exams online they will have much time to prepare about that. At this time, we all know that we in an emergency condition. Therefore, many lecturers do not damn students to find difficult materials. I think the student can use their creativity to support their practice exams at home. Online or offline if you do it seriously it will have a positive impact on students' practice exams. Even though you have a lot of material that can support your practice, but if you do it lazily it will not give you good results. Furthermore, you have to do it seriously whether it’s offline or online learning.
Some students don’t focus when online learning. This condition can occur because many students do online learning while playing games, social media, or watching a movie so that makes them don't focus and don't understand. Some students assume that online learning is like a vacation at home so they can do anything as they like. Besides, some students do that because the network is unstable. However, online learning makes students misunderstanding. I think it’s not true, even though you are offline learning if you lost concentration you will not understand. Online or offline learning will need concentration so don't make misunderstanding about the subject. If you get the network problem you can do much think. For example, you can send a message to the lecturer via WhatsApp or you can ask your friends for bits of help. You don't assume that online learning like a vacation at home where you can do things that you like without thinking about it. However, do online learning while playing games, social media, and so on should never be the solution if you can't resist it with yourself. You can do many things to avoid. Instead, you should have promised yourself that you will be stopped playing games, watching a movie, and so on when the online learning started. Therefore, make your day better.Â
The negative impact of online learning is being felt by students today. Many students are restless with this condition and they hope that this condition will end soon. However, online learning has several challenges for students such as lack of feedback from students and lack of proper technology to effectively conduct online learning. I think this problem can be overcome if the lecturer uses online learning with different applications every day and of course with low internet quota so that make students don't get bored and more interested in online learning. Do you feel the same way? Â Â
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