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"Short Note on Populism"

4 Juli 2018   18:23 Diperbarui: 4 Juli 2018   18:35 467
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The Nassau Institute (

Between populism and 'the people' lies tight connection. populism tend to claim its side about 'the people'. Populism talk about sovereignity, established order from the ruler to the ruled, and antagonistic politic. behalf in political analysis, Populism always about antagonism. there is no such thing as adversary or compromy in certain area of interest and ideology. populism has fixed ideology and perspective about their identity in public realm. public space meant to be fought and contested. 

Fragmentation and segregation are the beginning of populism. Dissensus is the main core of politic, but populism create another definition and form of dissensus in public realm. Dissensus creating 'Us' and 'Them' in order to determine decision and political standing.

Talk about Populism we also have to talk about people vis a vis the ruling class. Populism always postulating the differentiation between (oppressed) People and the ruling class. This differentiation led to segregatrion and horizontal instead vertical conflict.

The people determined as mixed and non-fragmented class and background, which is so wrong and inaccurate. People always divided and separated into different classes and background in every society. Populism diminished these distinction and reduce the meaning of 'the people' itself. Inside the populism's sphere, there's no dissensus inside the body of the people to create consensus

Consensus comes first before the identity of populism defined. There is no such thing as democracy and adversary in populism. The people inside the body of populism's identity emerged and marched because of the common enemy and purpose, no matter what their backgrounds are. Populism always depend on certain figures to express their interests and political agenda in public realm.

These figures play main role in express and delivering interest, because populism's agenda based on common emotional things such as race, religion, chauvinism, etc. what is 'us' and 'them' determined easily based on their common emotional interest, no classes, backgrounds, or social agenda involved.

Our pure and full consciousness about the urgency of democracy and social justice required to counter populism's agenda. We cannot let our public space's contestation fall into the fallacies of Populism. Creating a healthy discourse and deliberative method of discussion is a must in order to save our society and humanity from the danger of Populism.

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