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Ilmu Sosbud

Beyond The Screen: The Psychological, Economic and Educational Challenges of Digitalization Dilemmas

25 Januari 2024   04:50 Diperbarui: 25 Januari 2024   04:51 83
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In an era where technology seems to understand us better than we comprehend ourselves, the potential for manipulation is becoming increasingly prevalent. For instance, introverted tendencies may be deciphered by algorithms, such as those employed by Coca-Cola, tailoring advertisements to appeal directly to the unspoken facets of our personalities. The consequence? Unconsciously opting for a Coca-Cola over Pepsi the next day without fully understanding the reason behind the choice.

Achieving this level of influence requires a profound understanding of biology, specifically in the realm of brain science, coupled with considerable computing power. We are on the brink of a paradigm shift where people may soon place more trust in algorithms than in fellow human beings. From relying on Facebook for updates, Google for truth verification, and Amazon for purchasing suggestions, we are gradually surrendering various aspects of decision-making to artificial intelligence.

Looking ahead 20 or 30 years, algorithms could dictate not just our consumer choices but major life decisions, from selecting a college or job to determining life partners and political preferences. As algorithms evolve, the concern extends beyond mere control to the potential replacement of humans in numerous occupations. To survive in this rapidly changing landscape, individuals will need to reinvent themselves, not as a one-time event, but as a cyclical process occurring every decade. The challenge is not merely technological or economic but deeply psychological, as the reluctance to change becomes more pronounced with age. Adapting becomes particularly challenging after the age of 40, where adults, while advocating change for others, often resist it in their own lives.

Future education must prioritize emotional intelligence and mental equilibrium to stay ahead of advancing algorithms. This necessitates a deeper understanding of oneself, achieved through tailored methods such as yoga, sports, hiking, or other personalized activities. Regardless of the chosen approach, one must acknowledge the competitive landscape that exists.

The educational system must prepare individuals for the uncertainties of the future workforce, where the nature of jobs could change dramatically over the next two decades. Focusing on learning from failure and developing resilience is arguably more critical than aiming for straight A's. The challenge lies not in combating exploitation but in addressing the growing threat of irrelevance. Unlike the 20th century struggle against exploitation by a small elite, the impending challenge is the risk of becoming psychologically obsolete in a world that moves forward without us.

Spiritualism takes on greater significance in the contemporary landscape, as philosophical questions transform into technical dilemmas. Questions surrounding humanity, for instance, evolve into tangible scenarios, such as when a Tesla on autopilot faces a moral dilemma -- choosing between potentially harming two children by driving forward or risking the life of its owner sleeping in the back by swerving to avoid them.

The future of education emerges as the linchpin in our collective journey through the algorithm-dominated landscape. It is not merely about adapting to new technologies but fostering a dynamic educational environment that nurtures emotional intelligence, mental resilience, and a continuous spirit of reinvention. The evolving job market underscores the importance of an educational system that not only imparts knowledge but equips individuals with the skills to navigate uncertainties and learn from failures. As algorithms closer to influencing major life decisions, education must serve as a solid foundation, preparing individuals not just for specific professions but for the ever-changing nature of the workforce. Embracing the challenge of staying relevant is not only a matter of economic survival but a psychological one as well. Education, then, becomes the key not only to acquiring knowledge but to understanding oneself, fostering adaptability, and ensuring that, in the face of algorithmic progress, we continue to shape our own narrative.

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