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4 Oktober 2014   06:42 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   22:26 20
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Talk about the corruption as it is never end, it seems the mushrooms which grow in rainy season. Our country has fulfilled by the corruptors who compete and enjoy the riches of this country as they like. The A case has not finished yet, but the B, C and other cases appear in this country. The finishing of that case takes much time, energies and fee. Now a day, the corruption takes the public attention. The strange thing is when the people who is deemed so esteemed, and who is ought to be the public figure to their subordinates, suddenly they have to sit on the chair of court, because they have corrupted.

The corruption is a public official action, civil servants, office employee or other officials who misuse the public trust in order to get the benefit for their self. According to the constitution number thirty one nineteen ninety nine about the wiping out of corruption, where the thing that are included of corruption, every person who against law, enrich their self, get some benefit from the financial of this country, misuses the authority, opportunity or tools because of their position which adverse the financial of this country or the economy of this country.

Now, the corruption news is as a breakfast for all Indonesian societies, not only the local media but also the national media compete to broadcast that news which as a culture. Government official, political elite moreover, Indonesian legislative assembly are implicated in several corruption cases. According to Kompas newspaper which was published on the first of October two thousand fourteen in pages four where some names can be said a corruptor, they are M. Nazaruddin (Democrats) who is implicated in project corruption of ministry of youth and sports. That case involves his colleague, they are Angelina Sondakh, Andi Alifian Mallarangeng and Anas Urbaningrum. Wa Onde Nurhayati (PAN) is implicated in the bribe case of region infrastructure adjustment fund, while Luthfi Hasan Ishaaq (PKS) is implicated in bribe of the cow import project, Zulkarnaen Djabar (Golkar) is implicated in corruption of Al Qur’an supplying project in religion ministry and Chaerunnisa (Golkar) is implicated in the bribe case of district head election dispute in constitution court. Almost eighty percent of respondent who are surveyed by Kompas Newspaper and Indonesian Legislative Assembly, it has been gotten the data that the corruption practice in legislative has spread and almost so difficult to be wipe out.

The corruption in this country is very concerned. There are many officials are implicated in corruption cases, from small official until the head of political parties and also ministries. For example the corruption in this west java is Ade Irawan. He is regent of Sumedang, as was broadcasted in Liputan 6 Pagi SCTV, Monday the ninth of September two thousand fourteen, Ade Irawan was implicated in the case of abuse of estimate fund of official travel in the amount of one point seven billion rupiah when he is still a head of assembly at provincial at Cimahi.

Now, the corruption eradication commission (KPK) can’t give the deterrent effect to corruptors. They as make a competition to get the new record in their corruption result, so that we can’t describe how much is it.

The punishment for the corruptor in Indonesia has variation, from one year punishment until twenty years punishment, but the fine is just about one billion rupiah. If the corruptors use more than one billion rupiah, it is sure that they get much benefit from their corruption, and this punishment is not effective to wipe them out. In fact, the corruption handling fee is more than the fine which has to be paid by the corruptor. Refer to a finding by Rimawan Pradiptyo, he is an economy observer of Gadjah Mada University. He explains the his research result of P2EB FEB UGM, based on the Supreme Court decision two thousand one till two thousand twelve, the corruption handling fee has reached about one hundred and sixty eight point nineteen quintillion, while the punishment that has to been paid by the corruptor just about fifteen point zero nine quintillion. So that, the difference fee is about one hundred and fifty three point one quintillion is guaranteed by society. In other words, the corruptors in this country are subsidized by the society. The suffering of society has completed, because the subsidy which is as their rights are enjoyed by the corruptors. (Kompas, the eighteenth of June, two thousand thirteen).

This fact gives the awareness that the punishment to corruptor is not success to give the deterrent effect. According to there are some punishments for the corruptor in this world. In China, Vietnam, Taiwan and Singapore, the corruptor is judged with death sentence, in Saudi Arabia, the corruptor will be decapitated and in Malaysia, the corruptor will be punished by hanging.

If it is let, so the corruption will be done in every places, such as, school, office, sub-district, college, and other institutions where it will adverse the financial of this country. The corruption which is done by the government officials was begun since they are children, such as lie and steal. The children who lie and steal continually will be accustomed and it will be done until they are adult.

The corruption will cause the poverty in this country, because the fund which will be given to society is taken for the sake of their self, such as to build their home, buying a car, travelling. They don’t think about the poor people who shortages food, clothing and shelter.

The one of thing which as root from all corruption cases in this country is multiple party systems. The official candidates will expend much money to get a position. They expend much money to campaign because the competition is very hard. After the general election, there will be a practice voice trade among legislative candidates to gate the position which is craved.

Now, there are many parties in Indonesia, when there are general elections of region head, so the party, will coalition with other parties. So that it will make a position trade. The head region which is chosen will indebt which has been to paid, even it by using money or some projects.

In daily life, sometimes the corruption is not realized by the people, such as:

1.The bribe culture is still done, especially when the society will make a document like a family card to sub-district official. They bribe to one of official in order to their documents processing is faster. It will impact to other officials.

2.A son asks money to his parent, and he says that he will divide it to his younger sister, but in fact he doesn’t divide it. He uses it to buy something for his self.

3.In office surrounding, the leader of that office give much money to his treasurer. He hopes her will divide it to his employees. But she just divides some percents from the real amount of that money. The rest of that money is taken by the treasurer.

4.An agent of a product sells a product about one hundred thousand rupiah, in fact the price of it just about fifty thousand rupiah.

5.A trader in market weighs one kilogram rice. He puts a magnet under his weights, so that the weight of that rice is not the same as one kilogram.

The small things which are listed above are some bad habitual which makes the corruption grows in daily life, sometimes we don’t realize that we foster a soul of corruption.

There are many government officials, teachers, civil servants corrupt because there is a gap and chance. The bad financial reporting is one of wide way to corruptors for using that money which is not their rights. Such as, travel expenses, compensation and the money for food while on duty which are doubled.

To stop the corruption in this country, we need efforts to implant the culture life without corruption in circle of society and ask them to against it together, such as accustom to be honest in this life and don’t use the financial of this country. We must begin from our self fist. So that, other people will imitate us to be honest.

There some ways in order to we are avoided from the corruption in daily life, they are:

1.The corruption prevention in circle of family

The prevention has to begun from our self by the convection that the corruption is a society disease which is very dangerous to life for Indonesian societies. The parents have obligation to teach for their children and their family members about how dangerous the corruption is. They must acquaint about how important the honesty is in their life

2.The corruption prevention in circle of society

Some prevention which can be done to stop corruption in society is socialization, campaign and seminars about what the corruption is and how to prevent it. Before we ask other people to stop it, it is very important to begin from our self. We must accustom to be honest in our daily life, pay tax directly, never use the financial of this country to our activity and pay other bills on time.

3.The corruption prevention in circle of school.

Broaden the knowledge about moral and religion in the school, because one of thing which causes corruption is the weakness of someone moral and religion. Introduction and appreciation about some success figures, they can teach that success can be reached by knowledge, hard working and high integrity. It is different with the corruptors, they destroy their integrity.

As informatics student in one of college, I would like to deliver an opinion about the corruption in this my beloved country. The corruption as has been culture. I always follow the news about the issues of this country every day. I check television every morning, open and read in,, Yahoo news and other medias even it local or national media. Almost all that news has been dominated by corruption cases. Not only Indonesian legislative assembly, but also the political elites are implicated in that cases, the society doesn’t belief anymore to government in this country. They as make a political drama, as been happened lately.

As an informatics student, I have an opinion to solve the problem of the corruption in this country. It is looked from reporting technology. I suggest this country has to tightened the financial reporting and make it a best software to report that all import and export of the budget. The Jakarta governor candidate, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) ever said in one of interactive dialogue in television, the one of way to prevent the corruption in Jakarta, we have to make a good reporting about the financial, he said that import and export of budget must be so clear.

Whatever the form of that corruption, it has to been prevented in our daily life. To make it successfully, it has to begun from our self. We must accustom to be honest in our daily activity, pay the tax directly and other bills and we invite and ask to our family, friends and all society to against together the corruption, especially to young generation of this beloved country.

#Source : From other Medias told above

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