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News Item Text: PGSD Classroom Collapses and Hundreds of UNNES Students Stage Protest

4 Juni 2023   07:59 Diperbarui: 4 Juni 2023   08:21 70
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Hundreds of students from the Elementary School Teacher Education Program (PGSD) at Semarang State University staged a demonstration at the Sekaran Campus in Semarang on Friday, February 17, 2023. The students demanded swift action from the university to repair the collapsed classrooms on Thursday morning, February 16, 2023.

During the protest in front of the Unnes Sekaran rectorate, PGSD Ngaliyan students urged the university administration to immediately fix the damaged classrooms or buildings. The solidarity action by PGSD Ngaliyan students, titled "PGSD Ambrol, Birokrasi Dobol" (PGSD Collapsed, Bureaucracy Failed), began with a long march from the Faculty of Education to the rectorate. The students displayed banners and posters on pedestrian bridges as a form of protest against the prioritization of development that was deemed neglectful towards PGSD Ngaliyan.

During a coordination meeting at the rectorate of Semarang State University, university leaders held discussions with various stakeholders regarding the issues of PGSD Ngaliyan. While awaiting the outcome of the discussions, the students engaged in symbolic actions such as speeches, poetry readings, and satirical performances to protest the treatment that they felt undermined the existence of PGSD Ngaliyan. The demonstration concluded with a demand for university leaders to sign an integrity pact that includes several demands related to infrastructure improvement and enhanced services at PGSD Ngaliyan.

Prof Dr. S Martono M.Si., the Rector of Semarang State University, represented by Vice Rector 2 for General Affairs and Finance, Professor Drs. Heri Yanto, M.B.A. Ph.D., and Vice Rector 3 for Student Affairs, Dr. Ngabiyanto, M.Si., stated that the classroom ceiling collapsed due to heavy rainfall in the preceding days. The university met with the relevant faculty and agreed to perform repairs at PGSD Ngaliyan. The construction of the Faculty of Education building has also been included in the university's flagship program for 2023-2024.

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