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The Enigmatic Jusuf Kalla: Why Golkar Tolerates His Independent Stance?

19 Juli 2024   19:24 Diperbarui: 19 Juli 2024   19:40 14
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In the complex world of Indonesian politics, Jusuf Kalla's name is synonymous with unpredictability. A seasoned politician and a stalwart of the Golkar party, Kalla has consistently defied party lines, often to the surprise of his colleagues and the public alike. Yet, despite his frequent deviations from the party's stance, Golkar has chosen to maintain a cordial relationship with him. But what drives this peculiar dynamic?

The most recent example of Kalla's independent streak was his decision to support the Anies-Muhaimin Iskandar ticket in the 2024 presidential election, despite Golkar's official endorsement of the Prabowo-Gibran pair. This move was reminiscent of his 2014 decision to partner with Jokowi, going against Golkar's support for the Prabowo-Hatta Rajasa ticket. In both instances, Kalla's actions flew in the face of party loyalty, yet Golkar chose not to discipline him or question his membership.

So, what explains Golkar's tolerance of Kalla's maverick behavior? One possible reason lies in his influence and seniority within the party. As a respected figure with a long history of service to Golkar, Kalla's reputation and standing may make it difficult for the party to take disciplinary action against him. His influence extends beyond the party's internal dynamics, with many regarding him as a statesman and a unifying figure in Indonesian politics.

Another possible explanation is that Golkar views Kalla as a strategic asset, a "joker card" that can be played to the party's advantage. By keeping him within the fold, Golkar can tap into his vast network and influence, even if he doesn't always toe the party line. This approach is evident in the 2014 presidential election, where Kalla's partnership with Jokowi led to a win, and Golkar still benefited from having one of their own as the Vice President.

In contrast, other parties, like PDIP, have taken a more disciplinary approach to members who deviate from the party line. The recent example of Bobby Nasution, a PDIP member who was expelled from the party for supporting a rival presidential ticket, highlights the differing approaches to party discipline.

Golkar's decision to maintain a good relationship with Kalla, despite his occasional disagreements with the party, is a pragmatic calculation of the benefits he brings to the table. In a political landscape marked by shifting alliances and complex power dynamics, Kalla's influence and connections are valuable assets that Golkar is loath to sacrifice.

As Indonesia navigates the complexities of its democratic system, the Jusuf Kalla phenomenon serves as a reminder that politics is often about pragmatism and strategic calculation. While party loyalty is an important aspect of political life, it is not the only consideration. In the case of Golkar and Jusuf Kalla, the benefits of maintaining a good relationship outweigh the costs of discipline and party orthodoxy.

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