This article was written based on the pandemic situation in April 2020
Covid-19 Management in the world
Coronavirus is a group of viruses that can cause disease in animals or humans. Several types of corona viruses are known to cause respiratory infections in humans ranging from cold coughs to more serious ones such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). A new type of Coronavirus has been found to cause Covid-19. This is a new virus and disease that were not known before the outbreak in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. On 31 December 2019, WHO was alerted to a cluster of pneumonia patients in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. One week later, on 7 January 2020, Chinese authorities confirmed that they had identified a novel (new) coronavirus as the cause of the pneumonia. The proposed interim name of the virus is 2019nCoV. Since the first cases were reported, WHO and its partners have been working with Chinese authorities and global experts to learn more about the virus, including how it is transmitted, the populations most at risk, the spectrum of clinical disease, and the most effective ways to detect, interrupt, and contain human-to-human transmission.
WHO as a health organization in the world has draft the documents in the February 2020 as a guide for every country to act against this coronavirus which is well known also as Covid-19. The WHO expect that every country has the same strategic plan and response to the Pandemic. The WHO wants every country act correctly and can giving the best effort to overcome this global pandemic. So, there will be no late or wrong action to the pandemic.
How the Asia's regional organization response to Covid-19 Outbreak
A regional response to the coronavirus disease outbreak has come to the ASEAN as Southeast Asia regional organization to prevent the wider transmission of Covid-19, which has reached eight out of 10 ASEAN member states. ASEAN as one of the regional organizations in Asia, has put some action and efforts to response against this Covid-19. First, each country's foreign ministers met their Chinese counterpart on February 20, committing to ASEAN-China joint emergency responses to Covid-19. ASEAN health sector officials have convened several video conferences, including with their Chinese, Japanese and South Korean counterparts under the ASEAN Plus Three framework, to exchange information and best practices on epidemic prevention and control, diagnosis and treatment. Another teleconference involving ASEAN senior officials in the sectors of foreign affairs, transport, finance, information, defenses and immigration is scheduled for today, in a bid to muster a cross-sectoral coordinated approach among ASEAN member states.
However, the response by each ASEAN member country at the initial stage of the outbreak was different and uneven. Singapore and Vietnam quickly took action by extensive contact tracing, clear and constant communication with the public, and locally developed test kits for early detection to the Covid-19. There is almost no same action in ASEAN, but one thing positive, there is an action which most of the ASEAN countries applied, except Cambodia, have imposed restrictions on travel to various levels. Cambodia remains the only Southeast Asian country that does not maintain travel restrictions with China, which has drawn strong criticism in ASEAN. This is a problem because, given the wide and relatively free movement of people in the region, every missing link damage ASEAN's ability to increase collective defenses against the spread of disease.
Why China and Indonesia chosen in this article?
      There is some reason why China and Indonesia are chosen to be compared in this paper. This may be a little bit unfair and imbalance because these two countries development and condition is quite different. But the main point of choosing China as Comparison to Indonesia is because these two countries has the huge number of the population. Which considered they will face the similar challenges in overcome this Covid-19. It also to show how the China government response to the Covid-19 in order to make sure all of the huge citizens there are free from the Covid-19 virus. In the geographical term, both China and Indonesia have the large amount of land spread in the country. It is interesting to analyze how the country management through every island, province, city or small district in the country. Then we can have the real fact how the Covid-19 affect the country with the large amount of population.
Main Part: How is China's react to this outbreak in the beginning compare to Indonesia?
Even before the case counts began to climb, China's virtual economic standstill was already quick to take its toll, disrupting trade, travel, and supply chains throughout the region. Which later followed by on 23 January 2020, the central government of China applied a lockdown in Wuhan and other cities in Hubei as an effort to quarantine the center of an outbreak of Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19). That is the very first action taken by the China's government also, travel restrictions were also imposed on the nearby cities. The World Health Organization called the Wuhan lockdown "unprecedented" and said it showed "how committed the authorities are to contain a viral breakout". However, WHO clarified that the move is not a recommendation that WHO had made and authorities have to wait and see how effective it is. The WHO has separately stated that the possibility of locking down an entire city like this is new to science.
After applying the lockdown in the Hubei Province. There is other action taken by China Government seriously in the very first of this pandemic. It is by built the Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan. It is an emergency specialty field hospital constructed from 23 January 2020 to 2 February 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The hospital was ready to use just in 10 days with accommodates 1,000 beds which spans over an area of around 60,000 m2 and consists of 2 floors. It has 30 intensive care units, medical equipment rooms, and quarantine wards.
      While Indonesia government at the very beginning on 2 March 2020, President of Indonesia Mr. Joko Widodo announced the first and second positive case of being infected with a new coronavirus, or Covid-19 disease, in Indonesia. It was later discovered that two people (a 31 years-old woman and her 64 years-old mother) Which it is not based on the procedure that the President made a public announcement before health officials notified them directly regarding the issue. The very first action of Indonesia government was seeming not really serious and more likely to stay calm. Health Minister Terawan Agus Putranto has called on the public to remain calm in the face of the possible spread of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19), advising people to keep their body and mind pure so as to maintain immunity to avoid being infected with the fast-spreading virus, which originated in Wuhan, China. Terawan said preventing infection was easy, namely by keeping one's immune system strong because immunity "is the enemy of viruses". There is no vaccine for the pneumonia-like ailment as yet. The minister also urged the public not to panic, saying that in China, where confirmed coronavirus cases reached 2,744 on Monday, "only 2,000 of its 1.4 billion population" has fallen ill from the virus, while the rest were unaffected.
"Don't panic, don't be anxious. Just enjoy it. Eat well, live healthily. If you have a cough use a face mask. If we just sit all day without moving, our immunity will drop. Take a 15- to 30-minute walk," he said, "I'm sure that by not being restless, eating on time, drinking enough water and washing our hands before eating, we are facing [the phenomenon] properly."
It is a fact that time (January 2020) Indonesia is still has a status free from Covid-19 cases the Indonesia government initially try to take the advantages of the situation. After the cabinet meeting on 25 February 2020, President Jokowi issued four instructions to anticipate the impact of Covid-19 on the Indonesian economy, which included maximizing domestic conference activities, MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition), and increasing promotion for targeting foreign tourist markets looking for alternative tourist destinations due to cancel visiting China, Korea, and Japan (which at that time were the three most affected countries by Covid-19). At the same time, the government prepared 72 billion rupiah (5.2 million US dollars) to pay influential people on social media (influencers) to promote Indonesia as a tourist destination. While other countries are trying to slow the spread of Covid-19 by imposing travel restrictions, Indonesia instead encourages as many tourists as possible to visit. Instead of using state funds to inform the public about basic health prevention measures, the government plans to spend them on online tourism campaigns.
 How is China's management and policy to this compare to Indonesia?
 First, China directly try to create an international co-operation with the WHO (World Health Organization). By creating a "WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019". The overall goal of the Joint Mission was to rapidly inform national (China) and international planning on next steps in the response to the ongoing outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and on next steps in readiness and preparedness for geographic areas not yet affected.
The major objectives of the Joint Mission were first, to enhance understanding of the evolving Covid-19 outbreak in China and the nature and impact of ongoing containment measures, second, to share knowledge on Covid-19 response and preparedness measures being implemented in countries affected by or at risk of importations of Covid-19 also to generate recommendations for adjusting Covid-19 containment and response measures in China and internationally and to establish priorities for a collaborative program of work, research and development to address critical gaps in knowledge and response and readiness tools and activities. Inside the Mission Report of WHO-China Joint mission, it is mentioned about the response mechanism in China. Response activation at the national level: Covid-19 prevention and control mechanisms were initiated immediately after the outbreak was declared and nine working groups were set up to coordinate the response: a) Coordination b) Epidemic prevention and control c) Medical treatment d) Research e) Public communication f) Foreign affairs g) Medical material support h) Life maintenance supplies and i) Social stability. Each working group has a ministerial level leader. Emergency response laws and regulations for the emergency response to public health emergencies, prevention and control of infectious diseases have been developed or updated to guide the response. Â While, response activation in provinces: Each province set up a similar structure to manage the outbreak. The response is organized at the levels of national, provincial, prefecture, county/district and the community. By 29 January 2020, all provinces across China had launched the highest level of response for major public health emergencies. A clear strategy was developed, and goals were well articulated and communicated across the entire response architecture. This strategy was rapidly adapted and adjusted to the outbreak, both in terms of the epidemiological situation over time and in different parts of the country.
While in Indonesia from the policy from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Which issued in the March 2020 (1 month later after China action) Indonesia continues to closely observe WHO situation report on developments of the Covid-19 virus outbreak around the world. According to the latest WHO report, there is currently a significant increase of Covid-19 cases outside China, particularly in three countries: Iran, Italy, and the Republic of Korea (South Korea). In the interest of public health, Indonesia has issued a temporary measure for incoming visitors/travelers from the three said countries as follows: First, suspend entry or transit in Indonesia to incoming visitors/travelers who have travelled to the following cities/regions in the last 14 days. Iran: City of Tehran and Qom as well as the Province of Gilan, Italy: Region of Lombardi, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Marche, and Piedmont, South Korea: City of Daegu and Province of Gyeongsangbuk-do.
 Second, for all visitors/travelers from outside the aforementioned areas in Iran, Italy, and South Korea, a health certificate issued by the official Health Authorities from each respective country will be required. The Health Certificate must still be valid and shown to the airline's authorities upon check-ins. Without a certificate from the Health Authority, the said visitors/travelers will not be permitted to enter or transit to Indonesia.
Third, prior to landing, visitors/travelers arriving from the three said countries are required to complete a Health Alert Card (Kartu Kewaspadaan Kesehatan) issued by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia. The Health Alert Card consists of questions regarding the visitor's travel history. If the visitor/s have travelled in one of the aforementioned regions in the last 14 days, the said visitor will not be permitted to enter or transit to Indonesia. Last, for Indonesian nationals who have recently travelled to one of the abovementioned countries, especially in the said regions, an additional health examination is required upon arrival at the airport. A week later the minister of foreign affairs released the addition of the policy such as adding more countries to the travel band (entry to Indonesia) and also adding more complex regulations to the tourist visa and foreign visitors.
Until today, there is no national lockdown in Indonesia because the President Jokowi has stated that he will not impose a nationwide lockdown, despite the growing number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the country and has cautioned regional heads who seek to impose stricter movement restrictions in their respective regions. The President said Indonesian people's cultural characteristics and discipline were the two main reasons why the government had ruled out a lockdown, adding that the decision was also made after evaluating policies enacted by other countries during the pandemic.
"I have gathered data about countries that have imposed lockdowns and after analyzing them, I don't think we should go that way" said President Jokowi
At the end, Indonesia government prefer to impose large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) status nationally. But there is some mechanism made also in this action. Not every province or cities are applied directly, it has to followed some terms and condition by the Health Ministry of Indonesia. It seems like the PSBB lead to partial lockdown because it also applied WFH (Work from Home) and Social Distancing between the people. The public place and transportation also closed due to this issue. Until this far, the government has prepared some option if there will be a large scale of quarantine or action to the Covid-19 in Indonesia.
The success of China compares to Indonesia
      After the explanation above China seems to be success to handle this Covid-19 Outbreak speed and accuracy are the keys to identification and detection. Within a week of identifying the unknown virus, China successfully sequenced it and reported the genetic information to the World Health Organization (WHO). The identification of a virus's genetic sequence is critical to develop a vaccine and therapeutic treatments. The rapid identification of Covid-19 allowed scientists around the world to immediately start developing test kits, treatment options and vaccines.
One of the critical tools in controlling a major epidemic is having specific, reliable, accurate and fast detection methods to screen infected and non-infected people. During the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan, there were no test kits available, and screening depended on laboratory nucleic acid sequencing analysis, a labour-intensive and costly method. The National Medical Products Administration of China took immediate action to speed up the work of biotech companies to develop detection kits. The first kit was introduced on 13 January, with a sufficient supply available two weeks later. China also make the right decisions at the right time, the right place, for the right people. The experience in China reinforced the importance of listening to science and public health experts during pandemic events. And overreacting is better than not reacting.
China's unprecedented systematic and proactive risk management, based on collaboration between government officials and health experts, has proven to be effective in containing and controlling Covid-19. The timely release of disease-related clinical data to the public and WHO helped many around the world prepare for the spread. For example, analyzing more than 40,000 cases in China, we know 80% of Covid-19 infected patients won't need medical intervention, while 20% would need medical treatment and care. China also Evaluate medical resources and response systems. The government makes all the aspects ready to faced the pandemic by providing enough health care personnel and also standard equipment to them. People in China are courageous and united in the effort to combat Covid-19. The higher mortality rate in Wuhan was attributed in part to the lack of medical resources available at the time of immediate need. Wuhan's lack of disaster control management response mechanisms led to poor disease containment, widespread cross-infection in patients and healthcare workers in hospitals and weeks of chaos.
In Indonesia, the government has imposed a travel ban on people from mainland China and people from coronavirus-hit regions of Iran, South Korea and Italy. It has finally released its official protocols for dealing with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Members of the public are expected to follow the protocols if they find they are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. According to Health Ministry secretary-general of Indonesia, the protocols are meant to guide the actions of people when they gather in public places. The protocols deal with educational areas, public areas, public transportation, health access, first aid and identifying the infection. The government will also build a special hospital for Covid-19 patients at a former Vietnamese refugee camp in Galang, Riau Islands. Authorities have implemented preventative measures to defend against the epidemic at 135 points of entry to the archipelago, including at airports, seaports and border areas, such as installing thermal scanners and medical check-up posts to examine suspected carriers of the virus, a representative of the Geneva-based United Nations agency acknowledged.
"Indonesia has a functioning early warning system and 100 hospitals in various locations that serve as referral center and can handle cases with proper measures as well as effective infection prevention, " (WHO representative for Indonesia)
Much of the global community is not yet ready, in mindset and materially, to implement the measures that have been employed to contain Covid-19 in China. Â These are the only measures that are currently proven to interrupt or minimize transmission chains in humans. Â Fundamental to these measures is extremely proactive surveillance to immediately detect cases, very rapid diagnosis and immediate case isolation, rigorous tracking and quarantine of close contacts, and an exceptionally high degree of population understanding and acceptance of these measures.Â
Suggestion from WHO
For countries with imported cases and/or outbreaks of Covid-19
- Immediately activate the highest level of national Response Management protocols to ensure the all-of-government and all-of-society approach needed to contain Covid-19 with non-pharmaceutical public health measures;
- Prioritize active, exhaustive case finding and immediate testing and isolation, painstaking contact tracing and rigorous quarantine of close contacts;Â
- Fully educate the general public on the seriousness of Covid-19 and their role in preventing its spread;Â
- Immediately expand surveillance to detect Covid-19 transmission chains, by testing all patients with atypical pneumonias, conducting screening in some patients with upper respiratory illnesses and/or recent Covid-19 exposure, and adding testing for the Covid-19 virus to existing surveillance systems (e.g. systems for influenza-like-illness and SARI); andÂ
- Conduct multi-sector scenario planning and simulations for the deployment of even more stringent measures to interrupt transmission chains as needed (e.g. the suspension of large-scale gatherings and the closure of schools and workplaces).
In Conclusion, this global pandemic Covid-19 is very serious problem which is faced by most of the country over the world. Every country has their own policy and action to this Covid-19 but WHO as international health organization also set some standardization of the procedure to this Covid-19. The next step that all the countries is going to do is try to fight this pandemic until it disappears because it has affected a lot in the activities of the human being in the earth until today. So, I hope all countries can support each other to fight this pandemic.
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