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Alex Xander
Alex Xander Mohon Tunggu... Undergraduate International Relations Student

A third-year student majoring in International Relations focusing on Diplomacy Studies. Interested to international politics and global issues.




The Successes and Failures in Managing Covid-19 Outbreak in Asia Pacific Region (A Comparative Study of China and Indonesia)

16 Agustus 2021   08:45 Diperbarui: 16 Agustus 2021   08:46 212
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Until today, there is no national lockdown in Indonesia because the President Jokowi has stated that he will not impose a nationwide lockdown, despite the growing number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the country and has cautioned regional heads who seek to impose stricter movement restrictions in their respective regions. The President said Indonesian people's cultural characteristics and discipline were the two main reasons why the government had ruled out a lockdown, adding that the decision was also made after evaluating policies enacted by other countries during the pandemic.

"I have gathered data about countries that have imposed lockdowns and after analyzing them, I don't think we should go that way" said President Jokowi

At the end, Indonesia government prefer to impose large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) status nationally. But there is some mechanism made also in this action. Not every province or cities are applied directly, it has to followed some terms and condition by the Health Ministry of Indonesia. It seems like the PSBB lead to partial lockdown because it also applied WFH (Work from Home) and Social Distancing between the people. The public place and transportation also closed due to this issue. Until this far, the government has prepared some option if there will be a large scale of quarantine or action to the Covid-19 in Indonesia.

The success of China compares to Indonesia

            After the explanation above China seems to be success to handle this Covid-19 Outbreak speed and accuracy are the keys to identification and detection. Within a week of identifying the unknown virus, China successfully sequenced it and reported the genetic information to the World Health Organization (WHO). The identification of a virus's genetic sequence is critical to develop a vaccine and therapeutic treatments. The rapid identification of Covid-19 allowed scientists around the world to immediately start developing test kits, treatment options and vaccines.

One of the critical tools in controlling a major epidemic is having specific, reliable, accurate and fast detection methods to screen infected and non-infected people. During the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan, there were no test kits available, and screening depended on laboratory nucleic acid sequencing analysis, a labour-intensive and costly method. The National Medical Products Administration of China took immediate action to speed up the work of biotech companies to develop detection kits. The first kit was introduced on 13 January, with a sufficient supply available two weeks later. China also make the right decisions at the right time, the right place, for the right people. The experience in China reinforced the importance of listening to science and public health experts during pandemic events. And overreacting is better than not reacting.

China's unprecedented systematic and proactive risk management, based on collaboration between government officials and health experts, has proven to be effective in containing and controlling Covid-19. The timely release of disease-related clinical data to the public and WHO helped many around the world prepare for the spread. For example, analyzing more than 40,000 cases in China, we know 80% of Covid-19 infected patients won't need medical intervention, while 20% would need medical treatment and care. China also Evaluate medical resources and response systems. The government makes all the aspects ready to faced the pandemic by providing enough health care personnel and also standard equipment to them. People in China are courageous and united in the effort to combat Covid-19. The higher mortality rate in Wuhan was attributed in part to the lack of medical resources available at the time of immediate need. Wuhan's lack of disaster control management response mechanisms led to poor disease containment, widespread cross-infection in patients and healthcare workers in hospitals and weeks of chaos.

In Indonesia, the government has imposed a travel ban on people from mainland China and people from coronavirus-hit regions of Iran, South Korea and Italy. It has finally released its official protocols for dealing with the Covid-19 coronavirus. Members of the public are expected to follow the protocols if they find they are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms. According to Health Ministry secretary-general of Indonesia, the protocols are meant to guide the actions of people when they gather in public places. The protocols deal with educational areas, public areas, public transportation, health access, first aid and identifying the infection. The government will also build a special hospital for Covid-19 patients at a former Vietnamese refugee camp in Galang, Riau Islands. Authorities have implemented preventative measures to defend against the epidemic at 135 points of entry to the archipelago, including at airports, seaports and border areas, such as installing thermal scanners and medical check-up posts to examine suspected carriers of the virus, a representative of the Geneva-based United Nations agency acknowledged.

"Indonesia has a functioning early warning system and 100 hospitals in various locations that serve as referral center and can handle cases with proper measures as well as effective infection prevention, " (WHO representative for Indonesia)

Much of the global community is not yet ready, in mindset and materially, to implement the measures that have been employed to contain Covid-19 in China.  These are the only measures that are currently proven to interrupt or minimize transmission chains in humans.  Fundamental to these measures is extremely proactive surveillance to immediately detect cases, very rapid diagnosis and immediate case isolation, rigorous tracking and quarantine of close contacts, and an exceptionally high degree of population understanding and acceptance of these measures. 

Suggestion from WHO

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