One of the most unforgettable of Indonesia History is about the government in New Order era. The government in the new order era commit the mysterious killing to the people who opposed to the government. That issue was occurred in 1983 until 1985 under President Suharto regime. They are executed without undergoing a trial, a lot of "criminals" were mysteriously shot to death by undercover snipers which that time known as Petrus (Penembak Misterius/Mysterious Shooter). The executions done that time were part of a government effort to reduce crime. The actual number of the executions still become a mystery until today. Petrus killing is a violation against Convention on The Rights of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.
This issue is widely known by people in the world, back to the history of President Suharto, he start his regime in 1967 and created his New Order governance to separate his regime from what he called the Old Order in President Sukarno's administration. The new policies had brought much changes to Indonesia, including a stronger, more influential military. This often leads to violence and the "Petrus Killings" is one of the most terrible examples. Petrus Killing was making the citizen become insecure that time because the police intelligence will be giving the blacklist which consist of the name that will be executed by the Garrison.
Garrison is a group of troops or army formed by the national police and be placed in the particular place. The garrison that time will announce an ultimatum to the public regarding the black list without mentioning any names, with an instruction for those who ever done a criminal before to surrender and report themselves to the police headquarters in order to make a statement to not commit crimes. They are asked to fill some form and detail personal information. If they are caught to commit a criminal again in the future, they will be kidnaped and execute by the police. The police or military authorities that time used 'hot' words such as wipe out, eliminate and exterminate while victims were euphemistically described as having been secured or acted upon (Membersihkan: Sikat, Basmi, Kikis, Diamankan dan Ditindak). But there is one thing become a public suspicion, the blacklist wasn't announced with the name. So, how can the people know that they are in the list and they should report. Because the definition of "criminals" that time was unclear by the government of New Order. The random people may potentially in the list based on the government authority and perspective. This self-surveillance that time made people very aware of their actions and tread carefully during this period, because if their names were on the list and they didn't know about it then they will be kidnapped or executed by the Petrus. However, some people argue that there was no actual black list and this is a tactic of the Police or government to identifying criminals based on their perspective and consideration.
From the history and elaboration of the Petrus Killing above. It is clear that Petrus Killing has violated the Convention on The Rights of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. Because the government not only execute those who called as criminals but some of the citizen that opposed the government in any kind of forms. This issue has considered as a crime against humanity. In the Article 1 of International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, it is stated "No one shall be subjected to enforced disappearance and no exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat of war, internal political instability or any other public emergency, may be invoked as a justification for enforced disappearance". It is clear that President Suharto governances  has violated the convention, even they don't admit it. While in the Article 5 it is stated, "the widespread or systematic practice of enforced disappearance constitutes a crime against humanity as defined in applicable international law and shall attract the consequences provided for under such applicable international law". Moreover, in the Article 24 No. 2 "Each victim has the right to know the truth regarding the circumstances of the enforced disappearance, the progress and results of the investigation and the fate of the disappeared person. Each State Party shall take appropriate measures in this regard." This point is crucial because the government just do what they are in favor in. they just act on their own.
Until today, there are no specific number of deaths by the mysterious shooting. Based on the fact, there are many criminals still missing, that number is likely inaccurate and understated. After being delayed for more than 10 years, the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) finally completed verification of the justification of the mystery shooting case (Petrus Killing) that occurred during President Suharto Era. The results indicated that there were violations of human rights committed by the government against civilians who were labeled as criminals. The mysterious shooting action was also allegedly used by the government to silence civilians or activate the critical ones. The conclusion of the Ad Hoc Team's investigation related to the series of Petrus Killing in 1982-1985, based on information from 115 statements questioned, with witnesses from victims, civilian, retired (National Army) TNI officers and retired police officers.
In conclusion, it is very difficult to be accepted that Petrus Killing is part of the New Order Government's policy. The regime commanded by President Suharto and his subordinates has injured the life of the nation and state with his involvement in the cruel execution of Indonesian people. Even with all kinds of excuses by the State, mysterious shooting cannot be justified. There is nothing higher than respecting humanity and creating peace. Finally, through evidence that the State had committed crimes against humanity, President Suharto's regime was said as one of the largest massacres in the 20th century.
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