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Alex Hoxdson
Alex Hoxdson Mohon Tunggu... Software Engineer

Introducing Alex is a versatile person who combines the domains of content production and software engineering at a Mobile app development . Alex is a highly skilled team leader who possesses a strong attention to detail and a passion for problem-solving. The team comprises data scientists, developers, designers, mathematicians, engineers, and creative artists. Crafting sophisticated and useful digital products that take on challenging problems head-on is their common motivation, which unites them. With a strong commitment to quality and innovation, Alex and the team go above and beyond to push the boundaries and deliver solutions that have a big influence on the quickly evolving technology industry.




How to Develop Online Banking App Like Monozo?

23 September 2024   20:19 Diperbarui: 23 September 2024   20:49 79
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Inovasi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Jcomp

Security First

For a financial business, security is a do or die thing. While mobile banking app development ensures that your app has a stringent security measure that protects users from cyber attacks and saves sensitive data from breaches. 

  • Biometric login

  • Two-factor authentication

  • Encryption 

These are a few important messages you can go to let users feel confident that their financial data is protected at all times.

Prioritize a Great User Experience

A well-designed app can make all the difference in keeping users engaged and satisfied. With a simple yet appealing interface, it becomes easy for app users to check balances, transfer funds, or track spending without any confusion. while app responsiveness equally matters, check whether your app can smoothly operate on different devices and sizes. Last but not least, users love when they are in the know with every transaction they do, setting spending limits or personalizing notifications to fit their needs.

App QA & Testing

Before rolling out your app product in the market, don't forget to consult with an SQA expert and testers to verify that it performs the intended purpose and security for use. During this step, they conduct:

  • Security Testing: Ensure no vulnerabilities could lead to data breaches.

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