A true learner who loves to write about business, economics, and finance. | All the articles here are originally taken from https://aldigozali.com. Visit there for more articles. | Twitter: @aldigozali | Email: aldi.gozali@yahoo.com
🌄Sukatno Wonogiri, known as Maskatno Giri, the alumnus of English P PS UNS Surakarta, the owner of sukatnowonogiribelajar.blogspot.com: a learning blog for his students
Mempelajari ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi, Politik, Pendidikan dan Dialog Budaya-Antaragama di Jerman, Founder of Suara Keheningan.org, Seelsorge und Sterbebegleitung dan Mitglied des Karmeliterordens der Provinz Indonesien | Email: inokarmel2023@gmail.com