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Ruang Kelas

Avocado Butter

7 Januari 2022   13:11 Diperbarui: 7 Januari 2022   13:33 149
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     The avocado is a superior kind of avocado, since it has a reasonably thick meat with a spongy texture, it has a yellowish, buttery yellow fruit that attracts it, and it also has no fibers (hair) and a keener sense of avocado. The avocado is one of the prima Donna idols of Indonesian people, although it has no sweet taste or otherwise tasteless, but the aroma and texture of the fleshy fruit make many blossoms on this fruit.
      It has smooth fruit skin. Butter avocados generally have a smooth outer skin surface. If you buy a variety of butter, look at the surface of the skin. Because good analytic butter avocados usually have smooth, smooth skin surfaces      without cracks. When the fruit is ripe, the skin of the fruit will be dark green and soft when pressed. If you receive green leather avocado butter, the sign is not ripe. Wait until the fruit ripens between one and two days. The fruit meat is not attached to the seeds. When it is complete, the beans will be torn from the flesh. How do I find out? You just shake the fruit and listen to the sound. Thick meat & no fibrous As its name suggests, the avocado is noted for the texture of its soft, buttery flesh. The pulp is thick and fibrous, making it easy to prepare it with other food or immediately to eat.
      The butter avocado tree can grow from the lowlands to the highlands but is able to grow well and can bear fruit to a maximum degree if its high altitude of some 5,000 feet [1,500 m] above sea level. Now you can imagine how delicious it is because the pulp is like butter, soft, yellow, and rich in aroma. The butter avocado can bear fruit continuously throughout the year. The production of mature trees may rise to as much as 350-450 or about 225 kg (225 lb) a year. The fruit greatly varies in size depending on the fruit growth and the nutrients obtained from soil nutrients. The fruit measures in diameter from 7-20 centimetres, and the seed measures about 5-6.4 centimeters [50 cm]. Soft skin deep green, purple to brown. The color of the skin depends on either the variety or the type of avocado that is planted.

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