first of all, I would like to quote a sentence from the movie "the fault in our stars, 2014" that is "pain demands to be felt" I will try to invite you guys to more understand what true love is.
did you know, a lot of people are afraid to fall in love again after they receive a deep wound? just because their trust was destroyed by one person, they thought everyone was the same, and I don't agree with it. I have also received many deep wounds that make me no longer believe in love again, and also make me no longer believe in relationship. but, since I found the right person, who knows how to take care of love, and how to embrace the trust I have, I dare to fall in love again.
from the beginning of entering college, the feeling began to grow. A lot of people ask me, even my close friends, why did I choose her, why should she, and what is special about her?
you know, most people fall in love with their partner because they are beautiful, handsome, pretty, cute, because of the appropriate height, and more related to physical, and it's not wrong, it's normal, but, for me, falling in love with someone is not just a matter of physical, but more than just physical, she understands how I am, she always supports what I do, even at my difficult moment, she always says to me that today is only 24 hours, tomorrow is a new day to start again, I love the way she listens to me when I tell her about my daily life, and I love when she tells me about her life too, I like the way she tells me about his college, although I don't understand because she majored in mathematics where I don't like math, I love how she screams like "smile" when she's taking a picture of me, even when she says "hello" in front of the camera even if it's not a video. but I like it. I like the way she talks to me, the way she eats. she didn't want a million admirers, she just wanted one, and she got it. maybe she wasn't loved widely, but she was loved deeply. and isn't that more than most of us get? she is funny without ever being mean. I love the way she inspires other. it was a kind of simple thing that made me fall in love with her and it also made me sure that love is not always about the physical, but more than just that, love is about simplicity.
I'm in love with her, okay? if you're looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality and wanting them to have everything, they want no matter how much it destroys you, it's love. If you say, I don't believe in love. if we cease to believe in love, why would we want to live? and if you ask me, why do nice people choose the wrong people to date? We accept the love we think we deserve. when you love someone just be brave to say that you want her to be with you. when you hold your love, don't ever let it go, or you will lose your chance to make your dreams come true. coz love is passion, obsession, and someone you can't live without. the human race is filled with passion, medicine, law, business, and engineering, these are noble pursuits, necessary to sustain life. but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.
I return again to the sentence I quoted from a movie called "the fault in our stars" "pain demands to be felt" maybe today you feel severe pain, but believe me, there will be something incredible waiting for you ahead. don't ever stop hoping, because where there is hope, there is love, where there is love, there is life.
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