This is another lounge for me as I have a blog which is titled Duck Lounge
Psychology and social research; are my main two interests. I believe these will occur in many of my posts. I love to observe daily things, unintendedly. And social issues are things that will always be interesting to be discussed although there were times when I felt want to give it up. That it is useless to try to change things, especially when it came to policies.
Enjoying cups of coffee, pots of ice or shakes coffee, glasses of ice cream are being consider as heaven in the world for me. Having discussions, challenging opinions, updating information are fascinating. Therefore, I love couches. In fact, sitting on couches [chairs are tolerable] is the most frequent [and current] activities. The couches and chairs in the house, in the classes, in the libraries, on public transportations and of course, as mentioned, restaurants and cafes. However, have no interest with “the hot couches” of the Government.
Yet, I declare that all of these are my opinions. No intention to put any harm to others.
Santri Pesantren Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi dan Alumni Universitas Al-Azhar Mesir. Seorang yang kagum dengan Mesir karena banyak kisah dalam Al Qur'an yang terjadi di negeri ini. Seorang yang mencoba mengais ilmu pengetahuan di ramainya kehidupan. Seorang yang ingin aktif kuliah di Universitas terbuka Kompasiana. Awardee LPDP PK 144. Program Doktor UIN Malang. Ketua Umum MATAN Banyuwangi. Dosen IAIDA Banyuwangi. Dan PP. Minhajut Thullab, Muncar, Banyuwangi.
Seseorang pria yang bukan termasuk golongannya rakyat 'Jelita', hanya seorang rakyat 'Jelata' saja, yang suka iseng, yang suka mengisi waktu nganggurnya untuk menghibur dirinya dengan membaca dan menuliskan uneg-unegnya yang dipostingkan di blog komunitas : Kompasiana, Politikana, serta di milis-milis : Forum Pembaca Kompas, Mediacare, Media Umat, Ekonomi Nasional, PPI-India, Indonesia Rising, Nongkrong Bareng Bareng, Wartawan Indonesia, Zamanku, Eramuslim, Sabili, Mencintai Islam, Syiar Islam, dengan nickname