Management Methods
It is important to pay good attention to the lifestyle because it will help to prevent type 2 diabetes. If people have diagnosed of prediabetes, lifestyle changes may slow or stop the progression to diabetes. By eating healthy food that lower in fat and calories,
- Start eating healthy foods that lower in fat and calories. Focus on vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
- Getting active by doing some exercises, jogging, bicycling, or swimming.
- Appropriate self-monitoring of blood glucose
- Laboratory assessment
From some of these explanations, it can be said that diabetes is a dangerous disease and it can affect people all of age, both type 1 and type 2. From now on, take care of your health by avoiding consume too much fat and calories, start consuming healthy foods, getting active by doing some exercises, and self-monitoring of blood glucose. Those habits will help you to prevent the risks of diabetes. Because you will never know when the diabetes will come to affect your body.
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