Mohon tunggu...
Ahmad W. al faiz
Ahmad W. al faiz Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Penulis.

a little bird which surrounds this vast universe, does not necessarily change itself, becoming a lizard. Do you know why. Yes you do.




Easy Story -Not Izzy-Not Easy - Story From King (B.B).

11 Agustus 2024   02:41 Diperbarui: 11 Agustus 2024   02:48 30
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Easy story - not Izzy - not easy - story From King (B.B).
(Pelancong Blues).

I get sweet and jail
or death in my finger maybe

long time were when people think this all right

but, i am not for shake-shake of my mind

and will we do this evrething all time, not yet
like what love you have
just only on part of one glass in coffee

if only I
just thinking all a fool
I was in time my bed
sleepy like thunder of dream

I say you uuuuu ...
when were went if you go for home back
and i belive this night will be more to long  a field

aaaaaa ....
is just izzy not easy ....

a love, love, love, love, .....

from you .....

Mohon tunggu...

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