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ARAYRI Mohon Tunggu... Adzra Rania Alida Yasser Rizka

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Factual Text

13 Juli 2020   14:16 Diperbarui: 13 Juli 2020   14:14 2137
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Factual text is a text that describes facts that are taken from research like observation, experiment, statistics and other kinds of methods. For example text about cats, roses, coconuts, and others.

Most of texts are actually taken from observation for example when we would like to know about elephants, we just go to the zoo and observes them.

We observe their daily habits, their food, their physical characteristics and others. It may take once or many times. Because sometimes we need many datas. As many datas as we can, that's better. 

After that we develop the text. Begin with the general ideas in the first paragraph, then into specific ones on the next paragraph.  

But it is difficult to go to the zoo these days so that we can use other methods of research which is literature, including reading text about it or watching the video on internet.

After we get some datas or information or ideas which are fats about it, then we compose a factual text with title "elephants"

"In the creation of sky and eart, the turning of day and night, sea wave in the sea carrying what are needed for human being, and what Allah gives from the sky which is water, then with the water He makes the earth alive after death (dried), and He spread on earth many kinds of animals and wind and clouds which are controlled between sky and earth, it is indeed the signs for people who think (Al Baqarah 164)".

Wallahu a'lam

Task 1

Please decide one animal which is in your surrounding, for example ant, cat, mosquitos, flies, or others, and than write on MS Word, about it for 75 words.

  1. 1
  2. 2
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