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Ahmad Hasan Rahmatullah
Ahmad Hasan Rahmatullah Mohon Tunggu... Penulis

Saya adalah penulis pemula yang ingin baru ingin menintih karir di bidang, insyaallah saya akan membagikan hasil karya tulis saya dalam berbahasa inggriss dan melakukan hal ini dengan tekun, baik dan benar, demi mengembangkan diri saya dalam menulis sesuatu dengan bahasa inggris.




Success Paradigm

4 November 2022   04:07 Diperbarui: 4 November 2022   04:22 72
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A successful person is like a climber who managed to climb to the top, the peak as success, which is where we have to climb, step by step, and in achieving success we must overcome the obstacles that Allah has given, Allah gives a test in the form of a test of fear of hunger, poverty, poverty, even death, but all of that we have to go through to improve our status as humans, all of that is contained in (qs al baqarah; 2 55)

The essence of happiness
Happiness and success are not synonymous with wealth, power and other physical things, not necessarily people who are full of wealth, feel happy, true happiness lies in the deepest depths of the heart. happiness and success can come to anyone, it will come to people who really want it and people who really try and pursue success well. 

Happiness and success will come to people who try their best, those who intend to then try to realize both what they are trying to do, both worldly and in the hereafter. starting a successful life from the food, food is a source of energy that we need for activities as well as to form the flesh that composes our bodies so that we can become stronger. I have had such great success that others have described it as the sun to the earth and health to the body. Imam Syafi'i success stems from the food, precisely the maintenance of halal food by his father named Indri.

Then the second is mental immunity, mental immunity can be more important than body immunization because a strong soul will emerge from a strong body from a strong body, not necessarily a strong soul. Many scientific studies have led to this mystery as recorded from the results of Dr. fidelma's research. what is very surprising is that prayer, especially the night prayer, is not only a form of mental immunity, but this activity can outwardly optimize our brain. Dr. fidelma is a neurologist from America. He embraced Islam because of the guidance of Allah's help through several miracles.

The third is passion. High enthusiasm can be obtained from love. The love that is meant by this is a sense of love for the activities we do. The success we hope for we must love it first. If we love our work, then success will come automatically. Integrity is the first combination of beliefs, consistency in carrying out obligations, responsibilities and loyalty

The last thing is action-oriented action oriented here is something that we must do as soon as possible, namely Start from Early Ustadz Ali, Start as early as possible with our awareness that is still good, we try to be a person who is diligent and disciplined, not lazy and that will help our second success, which is to start from small things, it's okay we become something mediocre but accompanied by perseverance coupled with little and little improvement

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