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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

The Impact of Digital Technology on Student's Writing

10 Oktober 2023   15:30 Diperbarui: 16 Oktober 2023   13:33 294
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

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This writing is only for fulfilling my assignment (To post any writing on social media), no other purposes. So this is not qualified for any references.

Most words are copied and pasted, and few are paraphrased. The sources of the writing are :

Examples of digital writing tools are grammar checkers, citation generators, audio converters, editors, vocabulary boosters, and plagiarism checkers. Digital writing tools enhance students' writing skills through time-saving, increased creativity, collaboration, improved communication, easier training, faster revisions, enhanced focus, and deeper thoughtfulness. Students in non-English-speaking countries often find it challenging to write an assignment in the English language. However, these tools have helped students overcome writing challenges.

Research has shown that technology has both negative and positive effects on students' writing. The era of research where students used to go to the library, search for books, and gather newspapers and articles has passed as everything you are looking for is online. Technology has significantly transformed students’ academic writing skills to create both positive and negative impacts. However, the benefits appear to outweigh the obstacles as platforms like grammar checkers, citation generators, audio converters, and vocabulary boosters enhance writing skills among students. There is a little problem with over-dependence, plagiarism, and cyber slang that experts must revolutionize to ensure significant achievements from technological innovations. Conclusively, technology also immensely improves research skills in academic writing.

The Positive Impacts of Technology on Student's Writing

It has significantly improved students' written communication skills. There is an increased interaction over the internet platforms like Viber, Skype, and WhatsApp, where students communicate in written form.

It fosters collaboration: Every class has a student group where students come together to share ideas concerning certain issues. Also, every online writing platform has its interactive community on social media, where people go to share their ideas. This is possible through technology, now students have a platform where they can seek help concerning their writing projects or assignments and get people's opinions and views. Academic essays become more explanatory as students share diverse information that is vital to their writing skills. It is also possible to generate discussion forums where academic writers address the associated challenges through the acquisition of fluidity, empathy, and interpersonal communication skills.

It improves students' creativity: With access to lots of research materials online concerning a particular topic. Students are not limited and can carry out extensive research work on certain subject matters. The availability of online writing tools has also helped students in writing better. Tools that check for grammatical errors and spelling errors are used by students to easily correct and edit their written essays. Academic writers figure out new information on the internet and access other people's ideas on emerging topics. This opportunity inspires learners to innovate and work on personal projects as online platforms allow extensive sharing of information. It is easier to use paraphrasing tools and plagiarism checkers to inspire students to write more creative papers and achieve self-expression in their work.

It helps save time: The use of technology in writing has helped students save time by simplifying the overwhelming assignments in modern learning. Digital platforms like citation generators save students time in adopting writing formats and referencing styles like APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, or AGLC. The writing process becomes faster; hence, students can save some precious time to improve their writing skills and conduct meticulous research. Additionally, editing and proofreading solutions like Grammarly check textual documents, identify mistakes, and make corrections instantly to speed up revisions

It has improved students' writing grades: Technology also enhances performance as students become more attentive and thoughtful to information. The use of plagiarism checkers, grammar checkers, urban dictionaries, and citation generators has greatly helped to improve students' writing skills and produce better papers which means improved scores and grades. Students interact with better and more proficient writers who guide them in achieving better grades. Content creation enhances accuracy and appropriateness as students pay attention to details to improve their overall writing skills.

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