- To ensure the security of the flight deck, unauthorized persons shall not be allowed to enter the flight deck.
- Flight Attendant also be vigilant and observe the surroundings carefully before asking permission to enter the cockpit. The active crew member shall strictly follow the guidance in the ASM 2.3.
- The procedural means by which the crew:  i)  Prevents access to the flight deck by unauthorized personnel;  ii)  Identifies authorized personnel requesting entry into the flight deck;  iii) Monitors the area outside the flight deck door prior to permitting authorized personnel access to or  egress from the flight deck.
- The following documents are issued by the company or DGCA that must be carried by personnel who intend to enter the flight deck, except crew member on duty or DGCA air carrier inspector, or an authorized representative of the director, who is performing official duties, presents his identification credentials to the PIC of an aircraft.
PIC Verifications
- The PIC has final authority to allow an admission.
- The PIC is responsible to supervise behaviors of personnel who are admitted to the cockpit
Nah di Indonesia, Captain dapat menggunakan wewenang ini:
The PIC has final authority to allow an admission –Jadi selama kondisi di luar apa yang dinamakan ‘sterile cockpit’ yaitu kondisi kokpit yang tidak dapat diganggu:
- before and during take-off,
- prior to and during landing
- ATC calls, because they require pilots’ attention
- navigation or weather problems, since they require problem-solving and decision-making from the flight crew
- during emergencies
Maka Captain dapat memutuskan (sebagai kebijakannya) penumpang untuk masuk ke kokpit atas dasar: The PIC is responsible to supervise behaviors of personnel who are admitted to the cockpit  -Atau keputusan tersebut karena Captain sudah mengenal betul dan memberikan garansi bahwa penumpang yang diijinkan dikenali karakter, sifat dan kebiasaannya. Dan dalam kondisi cuaca yang baik serta tidak dalam waktu yang lama (mengganggu fase sterile cockpit tersebut)
Apabila Anda pengguna maskapai penerbangan yang berganti-ganti operator penerbangan, maka sangat mungkin bahwa setiap maskapai sedikit berbeda dalam mengadopsi peraturan ICAO dan CASR dalam BOM masing-masing operator penerbangan.
Semoga dapat menambah wawasan penerbangan.
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