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Seorang Mahasiswa Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat Teologi Widya Sasana, Malang.




Menulis dengan Bahasa Inggris

14 Oktober 2021   07:05 Diperbarui: 14 Oktober 2021   07:07 184
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Diary. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Markus Winkler

Hello Everybody! Sekarang waktunya untuk kita belajar dan mencoba hal-hal sederhana dalam belajar bahasa Inggris yang terkadang bagi kita sulit. Menulis adalah sarana yang dimiliki oleh setiap orang untuk mengekspresikan perasaannya. Tidak terkecuali untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. 

Dengan menulis sesuatu menggunakan bahasa Inggris, kita dilatih dan ditantang untuk menulis sesuai dengan tata bahasa yang benar. Hal ini sangat mudah dilakukan mengingat kamus digital, berupa aplikasi dalam gadget, yang dapat membantu kita untuk menemukan kata dalam bahsa Inggris di mana saja dan kapan saja.

Berikut adalah contoh penulisan jurnal harian menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

Contoh I:

Batu, Tuesday, May 18 2021

Play Futsal

The most impressive experience of today is playing futsal with friends from Malang. They are brothers or friends though, of Br. JB. So, I think this is the big friendship.

At 04.30 p.m. we started to play futsal, I by myself still preparing some meal and drink for them. And after preparing, I gatheredwith confreres and the friends court to take participation in this game. The game was going well and fluency. Everyone took participation as they ought; ran, got the ball, and made goals. There was no accident before I played and made some running on the slippery floor and pushed a friend’s back then he fell down. Unfortunattely, I made him got some hurts at his knee and elbow. I said sorry for them and besought forgiveness to him. I made this accident unintentionally, but I admitted that this is my mistake then he fell down and got some hurts. At the time, I promise to myself that I will never do this again. I don’t wanna make anyone get hurt in a game again.

After playing, we enjoyed some meal and drink which had been prepared by my confrere, Frt. Jiro. In this time we talked aboutsome stories; about their lives in their neighbourhood where they live. After that, we shaked hands one to another and said good bye to each other. Then they left us and went home.

The experience of today teach me a value for life. That is how to admit a mistake that is made by myself. This thing is easy to say but hard to do, I think. We have to be humble before, so, we can say our apology to anyone. I’m glad with the experience. It’s amazing. Make me better in the relationship with the other. I grateful for this.

Ag. Z.

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