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Serve God by Serving Humanity and Society

27 April 2024   21:04 Diperbarui: 27 April 2024   21:07 147
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Dialogue 9

Raja Vidya Raja-Guhya Yoga

The Yoga of Sovereign Secret Knowledge-cum-Science


jina-yajiena cpy anye yajanto mm upsate ekatvena prthaktvena bahudh vi'vato-mukham

"Others, who follow the path of Jnana or Knowledge, worship

Me through Yajna of Knowledge by sharing their knowledge of

My absolute oneness, despite my manifold manifestations and innumerable faces, facing all directions"

How do we glorify Him? Is it by clinging to a specific form and name? Krishna makes himself very clear.....the absolute Oneness is his essence, but his forms are limitless; his manifestations are manifold; and his innumerable faces, face all directions.

See Him in each of these faces. Serve Him by serving humanity and society. We cannot serve an abstract idea. By serving an abstract idea or philosophy one is only serving their own ego their intellect and scholarship. 

Whichever path we choose to follow - it matters not. For, all paths eventually lead us to service. Devotion to God must be expressed in the language of service. Intellect alone cannot take us beyond the sea ofsamsara, that of repetitive births and deaths. It is the ship of loving devotion and service that carries us beyond. Krishna continues...


ahalil kratur ahalia yajhalg svadhham aham au.yadham

Inantro 'ham aham evjyam aham agnir aharh hutam

"I am the ritual; the offering; the herbs andgrains offered; the sacred mantra, the sacred chant; and, the clarified butter accompanying such rituals and chants. I too am the sacredfire, and the very act of offering oblations into the fire. "

Krishna is Referring to the Age-Old Tradition of yajna, homa, or agnihotra. He does not want to leave out a single act of devotion, lest we consider some acts lower than others.

Generically speaking yajna is meant as an offering. The ways offerings are made can be different. In the ancient traditions, Agni or Fire is considered as Purohita, commonly translated as Priest or Medium, however literally speaking Purohita means "One, who is concerned about the hita or welfare of others".

Thus, our elders used agni or fire as a medium to pass their offerings to the natural elements and forces. Those offerings included locally produced, and locally grown herbs, grains, oils and cow-dung. This is not mere superstition; several scientific studies have been undertaken which prove the positive impact of the smoke that these offerings provide to the environment and to human health.

Krishna continues...

Source :

Anand Krishna. Bhagavad Gita : Yesterday, Today and Tommorow. 2021. Centre for Vedic and Dharmic Studies.

Youtube : Anand Ashram

Youtube: Anand Krishna

Instagram : Anandkrishnaindo

Tiktok : Anandkrishnaindo

Instagram : Oneearthretreat

Instagram : rshsatubumi

Instagram : Layurveda


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