Hiii,,, comeback again with mee,, can't wait to hear my story?Â
Kali ini fina bakal nyeritain keseruan pembekalan offline penguatan LO UNESCAP hari kedua, guess what? pembekalan hari kedua ini lebih seru lagi.. ada 4 pemateri luar biasa salah satunya dari UNESCAP langsung loh yaitu Ms. Cai Cai Chief  Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Section Social Development Division menjelaskan detail mengenai High Level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Final Review of the Implementation of the Asia Pasific Decade of Person with Disabilities 2013-2022 (HLIGM-FRPD)Â
Introduction about to do list and rundown as a Liaison Officer and knowing this event to all Liaison Officer, outline :
- Basic of the IGM
- Tentative Programme & Expectation on LOs
- Side Events and Expectations on LOs
Describe :
Basic of the IGM (intergvernmental Meeting,Â
- Purpose Final Review of the Asian Pasific Decade of Persons with Disabilities 2013-2022 & looking forward Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022
- Incheon Strategy to "Make the Right Real" for Persons with Disabilities in
- Asia and the Pacific (or Incheon Strategy)
- Beijing Declaration, including the Action Plan to Accelerate the Implementation of the Incheon Strategy (or Beijing Declaration and Action Plan) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including the Sustainable Development Goals
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Persons with Disabilities & Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) Delegates
- Reasonable accommodation, accessibility.
Tentative programmeÂ
- Day 1, registration, opening of the meeting, group photo for head delegates, review of proggress and challenges in the implementation of the Asia Pasific Decade of persons with Disabilities 2013-2022 and the Incheon Strategy to make the right real for Persons with Disabilities in Asia PasificÂ
- Day 2, Forward looking policies and strategies for disability inclusive development in Asia Pasific during the periode to 2030 focusing on key and emerging  regional issues and opportunities.
- Day 3, field visit to the centre of excellence, adoption of the outcome document, adoption of the report on the meeting, and closing of the meeting.
Side  Event, describe detail run down event start from 19 October till 22 october hour by hours.Â
Sedikit paparan mengenai materi pembekalan yang disampaikan oleh Mrs Cai- Cai dan dilanjutkan dengan materi kedua keprotokolan oleh kak Annisa Darmawati,Â
Materi keprotokolan ini, sebelum membahas lebih lanjut tau ga sih keprotokolan itu apa? yups thats right keprotokolan adalah suatu kegiatan dengan tata aturan sopan santu etika dalam suatu event yang resmi. Â Menurut UU nomor 9 th 2010 ada 3 komponen keprotokolan yakni tata tempat, tata upacara, dan tata penghormatan. As Liaison Officer we should to always prima (keep healthy), self care, knowledge a lots about iconic Indonesia an others also having skill public speaking and speaks english fluently and clearly. Ater that we discuss and direct practical about threat LO tamu negara,, we must to be gupuh, lungguh, also suguh and absolutely we've to collaboration and coordination to others and dont to miss comunication.Â
Materi ketiga yakni tentang Overview situasi politik tradisi dan budaya Negara-negara di kawasan Asia Pasifik yang disampaikan oleh bapak Andy Laksamana outline materi yang beliau samapaikan berupa scientic about UNESCAP, Diplomacy, Dos amd Don'ts also examples too
Materi terakhir atau keempat yang disampaikan oleh Sapda membahas dan praktik langsung mengenai etika untuk berinteraksi dengan penyandang disabilitas.Â