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Afi Integritya
Afi Integritya Mohon Tunggu...

I like seeing people who have so much passion on their minds. I love music. I play a little bit of guitar, ukulele, and piano. I love Coldplay. And that's one of the influences that makes me in love with English bands. I like writing. Even though there are many grammar errors that have put on these notes, I don't care. I keep writing and there's no way I can give up on it. Check out for more about me at




Know What You Need

11 November 2014   08:19 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   18:06 283
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Know what you need.

You get to see many people tearing down in confusion - they dont know where they're going, searching for passion, love or anything that makes them happy. But one thing for sure that many people dont realize is how to discover things that always make you happy for a living. Having that said, a living in the long term.

Personally, I find it quite difficult right now. Realizing I'm getting older and really need to start my career-wise, I need to get this thing on the road and keep myself going for a good cause. I love talking to people, I really do. Bad thing about me is when I'm not comfortable talking to people who I dont care about, and that's hard cause the only way I can do is to ignore them. I hate ignoring people, but happens a lot to me when they dont make sense or are just really irritating.

I'm on my way to find my real passion now. I'm still searching. I'm still looking for what I need. I'm down in confusion where I'm depressed if I cant find one. But to always have a positivity in my mind helps me a lot to encourage myself how to be stronger and for sure to follow my heart. It's good to have an advice, but it's better to keep myself sticking with my dreams - the things I have wanted for a long time.

I'm still looking for what I need. Have been looking. Have been trying to get myself out there to understand the universe. Been trying to find answers that havent got discovered. This probably will take some time but I'm pretty sure this is going to be worth the wait. Patience is key.

Know what you need.

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