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Toxic Masculinity

10 Mei 2023   11:30 Diperbarui: 10 Mei 2023   11:38 53
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"Skin Care" the word is already familiar to the ears, especially among today's youth. Before discussing further, let's first identify what Skin Care is. Skin care is a series of skin care products that are used to maintain the health and beauty of facial skin. Why should it be routine in its use every day, humans do activities every day both outdoors and directly exposed to the sun. Therefore facial skin care is needed, one way is to use a series of skin care. The use of skin care greatly affects the cleanliness of facial skin, from the most basic, such as facial cleansers, using serums, moisturizers to sunscreens. By using proper and regular skin care every day, you can maintain the condition of your facial skin so that it is free from various problems such as dull skin, oily skin, acne, signs of premature aging, dark spots, acne scars, breakouts and various other facial skin problems.

Using Skin Care is synonymous with women, so can't men use it? Indonesian women have a stigma that beautiful women must be white, so they compete to get what is best for their face. Small pimples that grow, blackheads that clog pores, and uneven facial skin color make it the most fatal problem for women. No. Men also need skin care to take care of their facial skin. On the other hand, men are reluctant to use skin care because they are seen as women. In fact, all skin types owned by men and women both need special care. Many men let their skin look dull, dusty, and greasy to show that they are hard workers.

The stigma that skin care should only be used by women should not be maintained in today's civilization. Remembering that skin care has a function to maintain healthy skin and give the best appearance. When men use skin care, it also triggers the emergence of toxic masculinity. The poison of masculinity refers to the notion that men who carry out activities that are considered only belong to women, such as using skin care, is an act of feminism. So the conclusion is that skin care is needed for today's youth, both men and women, because both of them need facial skin care so that it is clean, free of oil, and the pores are not clogged.

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