Coffee is a beverage made from coffee seeds that have been baked and smoothed. Coffee seeds come from a variety of coffee plants that grow in the tropics. Coffee has become a very popular drink around the world and has become part of culture in many countries. In this article, we will discuss the different types of coffee, how to make good coffee, the health benefits of coffee and the side effects of drinking too much coffee.
Coffee has a variety of different types and varieties, where each type of coffee has unique characteristics and flavours. Some of the most popular types of coffee are as follows:
Coffee in Arabica
Arabica coffee is the most common type of coffee found around the world. Arabica coffee seeds have a delicate and slightly acidic taste, as well as a distinctive aroma. Arabica coffee grows in areas of high altitude and requires cool and humid environmental conditions.
Coffee Robusta
Robusta coffee has a stronger and bitter taste compared to Arabica coffee. Robusta coffee seeds grow in areas with lower heights and require warmer and drier environmental conditions.
Coffee in Liberia
Coffee Liberica is a type of coffee that is not very commonly found around the world. Liberica coffee seeds have a taste similar to Robusta coffee, but with a more varied aroma.
Excellent Coffee
Excelsa coffee is a type of coffee that grows in Southeast Asia. Excelsa coffee seeds have a different taste depending on the variety, but generally have a stronger taste than Arabica coffee.
To make a good coffee, there are several factors to consider, namely the coffee seeds used, the way of presentation, and the tools used. Here are a few steps to make a good coffee:
1. Choose a good quality coffee.
The quality of coffee seeds has a great influence on the final result of the coffee to be served. Choose fresh and good quality coffee seeds. Fresh coffee seeds generally have a strong and dry smell, while poor coffee beans usually smell dull or basy.