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Defense Systems Analyst Systems Thinker using System's Thinking and System Dynamics



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Bali Bombing Series

22 Februari 2011   10:32 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   08:22 506
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Defense Studies 2010 Bandung Institute Technology THE ABSTRACTION Bali Bombing series are the most interesting experience that Indonesia have in combating terrorism. It happened twice, in the same place and on the short interval of time. Shaking the basic fundamental of Indonesia's national security and shocking the world, creating deep impact to the Indonesia as well regional countries. This presentation would like to reveal the facts including the figures, impacts, reasoning why, response and Command & Control involves. After that, the analysis would be performing to surge the potential threats, opportunities, weaknesses and also the strength to Indonesian Counter Terrorism efforts. The analysis also consist of other tools, such as Route analysis, strategic mapping analysis, Operational theather analysis and organization structure analysis. From this analysis, generated some ideas of important lesson as conclusion and the possible recommendation, consist of two internal and holistic strategy. THE FACT's 2002 Bali bombings > LocationDenpasar, Bali, Indonesia > Date12 October 2002 23:05 (UTC+8) > Attack typeSuicide bombing, car bomb, and smaller bomb > Target Location Paddy's Pub, Sari Club, US Consulate Denpasar > Deaths202 (152 of whom were foreign nationals, and 28 Indonesian citizens) > Injured209 > Perpetrator(s)Jemaah Islamiyah members - Amrozi, Ali Imron, Ali Ghufron, Imam Samudra, Dul Matin, Idris, Abdul Ghani and Umar Patek, Abu Dujana (Chief of Bali cell), 24 additional people 2005 Bali bombings > LocationBali, Indonesia > Date1 October 2005 6:50pm - ~ 7:00pm (UTC+8) > Attack typeSuicide bombings > Target Location Raja's Restaurant at the Kuta Square shopping mall, warungs Jimbaran, near the Four Seasons Hotel + three unexploded bombs in Jimbaran > Deaths20 (including 3 suicide bombers) > Injured129 > Perpetrator(s)Jemaah Islamiyah member: Azahari Husin, Noordin Mohammed Top The Impact;National > Shattering the trust of public to Indonesian security, creating fear > Shake the fundamental claim, Bali is the safest place in Indonesia > Drastic downturn in Tourism economy from 1,355,282 tourist 2001 to 1,285,864 tourist in 2002 > 5,000 visitors / day 2004 to less than 1,000 visitor / day 2005 > Whilst Bali contributes around 40 percent of Indonesia's US$5 billion/y tourism revenue The Impact; tourism Impact; International - Target on US, Australian, Western Citizen à Travel Band - Creating fear/terror and No Safe Heaven effect (Your Gov't cannot protect you) - Global Strike message to the Western world Why Bali ? Bali was selected as the site of the attacks because there was less chance of Indonesian gangsters being killed, and there was "a chance of getting a few foreigners " DR. Sidney Jones Why Bali ? - Soft Target - Limited Security - International Tourist Destination The Respons ; BBI - Pursuit - Investigation ; with Australian, US, UK investigator - Arrest ; n Amrozi, Ali Imron, Ali Ghufron, Imam Samudra, Dul Matin, Idris, Abdul Ghani and Umar Patek, Abu Dujana (Chief of Bali cell), 24 additional people - Punishment ; n 9 November 2008, the three convicted of carrying out the bombings (Imam Samudra, Amrozi Nurhasyim, and Ali Ghufron) were executed by a firing squad, 18 September 2003 Ali Imron was sentenced to life imprisonment,   n On 3 March 2005, Bashir was found not guilty of the charges surrounding the 2003 bombing, but guilty of conspiracy over the 2002 attacks in Bali (26 months) The Respons ; BBII - Political Respons ; Presient SBY condemned the blasts as a "criminal act" and has called for an urgent meeting with Indonesian security officials.     President SBY brief à Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Widodo AS,State Intelligence Agency Head Syamsir Siregar, Police Chief General Sutanto - Pursuit ; fugitive  Nurdin Muhammed Top, Azahari - Raid; 9 November 2005 Den 88 raid Azahari's hide out and killed him (?) C & C; BOMB BALI I & II - POLICE HQ à Den 88 General Da'i Bachtiar, General Mangku Pastika (I) Major General Ansyaad Mbai (II) - TNI à Bais, Gultor, Kopassus - BIN à CT Task Force THE ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS; Indonesian Counter Terrorism Strenght - New Police Den 88 - Strong Political Will - Strong Indonesian Human Intelligence - Desk Counter Terror in every Kodam - Society Resilience - True teaching of Islam à Non Violence Weaknesses -STOVE PIPING Agencies -No Emergency Blue Print from the State -Indonesia Blank Spot Sea Routes -Terrorist Strong Funding support (Hawalla system) -Terrorist Secure Communication (save draft-same password-e mail address technique) -Intelligence Gap Opportunity - International Help - Obama peace support in Middle East (help a lot to reduce tension) - Global War On Terror theme - More Cooperation with Int'l Threats - Biology and Chemical warfare (to water system) - Another Bomb (due because easy to made) - Hostage Situation (target on bus, train, ferry) - Sabotage (plot to explode Plumpang fuel depo) - Political Assasination (Megawati assasination plot 2003 by Baasyir) ANALYSIS ROUTE; Bali Bomb II - "The Advantage of Sea route"

They gathered the new selected Jihadist to Jepara city. In Jepara, they have to be reselected. From there the new Jihadist has to be trained in the Kangean island on NorthernMadura Island. After the training, the New Jihadist was ready to have a mission and send to the transit point in Lombok Island. From Lombok Island they were deployed to designated mission area of Bali trough sea insertion. Note; all transportation since Jepara gathering point was using the sea routes and transportation to avoid the authorities sweeping operation. Strategic Mapping Analysis
They operated with highly integrated networks, and each groups has independent but same roles (Hendarmin's Integrated Terror group model). The political connection in charge in the strategic protection to the terror groups' cells, and the education connection have an important role to seek the fresh new Jihadist to be train, then supply to the terror group. JI Operational Theather Analysis
THE CONCLUSION important lesson Stove Piping à creating; slow response, inadequate protection/prevention, vulnerability No Emergency Blue Print à creating; chaos, confusion, mistakes to mitigate the risk Inteligence Gap àcreating; slow updating, not sharp infos, victim's of disinformation warfare THE RECOMENDATION lesson learned Recommendation; Internal  1. Stove Piping à Integrated Ops Agency Stove piping means the units in the national security agencies does not communicate well to each other well. This create the most fundamental flaw in Republic of Indonesia Defense and National Security System. To remedy this basic flaw, there should be a political decision to Integrate all of Operational Agencies in the Defense and National Security Sector such as Sharing Intel info's, Sea-Air-Land surveillance, Joint Ops, One CT C&C, etc. 2. No Emergency Blue Print à National Emergency Blue Print Proven that the State of RI doesnot have the modelling system of Emergency, especially the integrated one that could deal with future threats to the National Security such as Terrorism, Calamity, Outbreak, Political Chaos situation etc. 3. Inteligence Gap à Revitalization of Intelligence There was clearly an Inteligence Gap in the National Security System. Therefore needs to be enhance with the finishing of Inteligence Bill in the Parliament. With New Inteligence format there would be deeper penetration, intensive intel ops, using out of the box methodes, sufficient funding, more focus, and creates wider cooperation. Recommendation; Holistic Strategy
In the past, after inteligence recognized the networks, the state could just eliminate the whole networks with clean and sweep move, disregarding the human rights issue. But, The State has change to become more democratic country with highest regard on the human rights because it's the constitution's message. It is very imparitive and critical to do the CUT and SEPARATE the hardliners of the militant groups from the political wings and education. This particular militant groups would be hunt down and destroyed, no doubt about it. Whilst the political wings or simpatisant are given their rights to fight their values and goals through the democratic way and with peaceful way. No more forcing their believes to others. And the education can continue their activities but have to receive the supervision and support from the government and transparancies. There should be State guarantee no more student could be isolated from their parents for "BRAIN WASHING" to any particular subversive ideas. Sources: Hendarmin Ranadireksa's Integrated Terror Group Model Bali Tourism Authority, access on 2009-07-01 14.00, access on 2009-07-01 14.00, access on 2009-07-01 14.12, access on 2009-07-01 15.00, access on 2009-07-01 15.14 access on 2009-07-01 15.22 access on 2009-07-01 15.30 access on 2009-07-01 15.44 access on 2009-07-01 15.57 access on 2009-07-01 16.01 access on 2009-07-01 16.11 access on 2009-07-01 16.01 access on 2009-07-01 14.00 access on 2009-07-01 14.00 access on 2009-07-01 16.30 on 2009-07-01 16.30 access on 2009-07-01 16.45 access on 2009-07-01 16.45 access on 2009-07-01 16.45

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