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Types of Market

12 April 2017   16:45 Diperbarui: 12 April 2017   16:56 155
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Ekonomi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Caruizp

A market is a place we often hear. The market is an institution that is generally intangible physically bring together buyers and sellers of a commodity (goods or services). The interactions that occur between the seller and the buyer will determine the level of prices a commodity (goods or services) and the number of commodities that are traded. A market is a place where buyers and sellers interact (Sugiarto., Herlambang, T., Brastoro., Sudjana, R., & Kelana, S. 2007).A market is a place that is very frequently visited by the public, and the number of visitors is always increasing. stated a number of visitors to the traditional market in the city of Yogyakarta in 2015 increased by 4.46 percent over the previous year. It can be concluded the market became a favorite place for people to shop. There are many types of market.  As a student of economic, we should know about this.

The first type of market is monopoly. Monopoly is a market there is only one seller or manufacturer who controls the entire (or most of) the supply of goods or services (Drs. Gilarso,T. 2003) .There are four  characteristics of a monopoly market. First in the market monopoly there is only one producer/seller for a product, which means goods or services are only provided by the seller and are not sold by another. Second, there are no substitutes for the goods produced,being sold. Third, the existence of barriers for new companies to enter the market monopoly, for example, barriers legality, technology, and capital. Fourth, the monopolist can set prices as desired. And the last properties of the monopoly it causes monopolists don't need to marketing or advertisement related to their products. The impact caused from a monopoly market is that consumer can only buy goods from the seller without any other alternative options, profits are only centered on business entities, the occurrence of instability in prices, the existence of elements of injustice. So, it can be concluded that the market monopoly is only profitable for one entity. The example from monopoly market is like Telkom, PLN, PT KAI, Pertamina, PDAM.

The Second type of market are oligopoly. In an oligopoly, there are only a few firms dominate the supply of goods  (Drs. Gilarso,T. 2003).  Oligopoly market comprised of few sellers, the seller generally consists of 2-10. The characteristic of oligopoly market is a company produces homogenous goods or goods with the type varied.Secondly, companies always market and advertise their product, little seller selling the subsititute goods. Third, in an oligopoly market, there are barriers for other companies to enter  because there are very few companies in the market. Fourth, pricing decisions taken by the company should be a consideration for another company. The impact of oligopoly market is too much advantage for manufacturers for a long time, make term inefficiency production, exploitation of consumers and employees, relatively high prices hard to decrease the appearance of chronic inflation. The example of oligopoly market is motor industry, soap industry, the mobile phone industry.

The last types of the market are perfect competition. Perfect competition market is the structure where all the companies in the industry are price takers and there is freedom of entry and exit from the industry (Pracoyo,Tri K., Pracoyo,A. 2006). The characteristic of perfect competition market the first is the number of sellers and buyers are many. Second, goods or products that are traded are homogeneous, or similar, identical and similar to each other.Third, 

Sellers are price takers (price taker).Fourth, Prices of goods/products sold are determined by market forces such as supply and demand (demand and supply). And Strong bargaining position of buyers, It's hard to get a big advantage (above average), Sensitive to changes in the price of goods/products sold, Easy to enter and exit the market. The example of perfect competition market is rice market, agricultural market, vegetable market, fruit market.

There are four basic types of market structures first. Namely monopoly,oligoply, and perfect competition Each of them has their own set of characteristics and assumptions, which in turn affect the decision making of firms and the profits they can make. It is important to note that not all of these market structures actually exist in reality, some of them are just theoretical constructs. Nevertheless, they are of critical importance, because they can illustrate relevant aspects of competition firms’ decision making. However, they will help you to understand the underlying economic principles.


Pracoyo,T.K., Pracoyo,A. (2006). Aspek Dasar Ekonomi Mikro. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

Sugiarto,Herlambang,T.,Brastoro.,Sudjana,R. & Kelana,S. (2007).Ekonomi Mikro.Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Drs. Gilarso,T.(2003).Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi Mikro. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

(2016,Mei). A number of visitors to the traditional market in the city of Yogyakarta in 2015 increased    by 4.46 percent over the previous year. Retrieved from

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