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Ade Hanafidin
Ade Hanafidin Mohon Tunggu... International Relations Scholar

i am a sustainable development enthusiast, nearly 5 years of experiences on the field of international relations.



Ilmu Sosbud

Statelessness is No Longer A Big Issue if We Apply These Solutions!

10 November 2024   07:57 Diperbarui: 10 November 2024   08:27 88
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Identify: Identifying why people are stateless is essential to address the issue, as individuals need recognition from a government to obtain citizenship. UNHCR works with governments and partners to analyze and demonstrate the impacts of statelessness, which often leads to conflict, human rights abuses, discrimination, and poverty. This can encourage governments to provide access to citizenship for stateless individuals.

Prevent: Preventative measures are the most effective way to address the problem. UNHCR uses its resources to analyze the causes of statelessness and provide technical assistance, research, and capacity-building to help governments meet international standards on statelessness.

Reduce: By working with governments on legislation, policy application, and collaboration with partners (such as NGOs and the media) to promote nationality for stateless people, the issue can be significantly reduced.

Protection: By advocating for the 1954 and 1961 Conventions on statelessness, UNHCR promotes recognition of the rights of stateless people. With its partners, UNHCR also helps ensure that stateless individuals can access their basic needs.

In conclusion, resolving statelessness requires both political will and global advocacy. These two elements are complementary and essential to effectively addressing the issue.

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