I'am not in competition with anyone else. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than everyone else around me, in any way,shape or form. I just I'am to improve,to become a better person than I was. That's me and I'M FREE.
Lecturer at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Holistik ❤ Master of Public Health (Nutrition), Faculty of Medicine Public Health and Nursing (FKKMK), Universitas Gadjah Mada ❤ Bachelor of Nutrition Science, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro ❤Kalau tidak membaca, bisa menulis apa ❤ listhiahr@gmail.com❤
"Tidak penting SIAPA yg menulis, yg penting APA yg ditulis" (Ragile 2009). Pendiri #PlanetKenthir. Pro #Gusdurian. Lahir: 1960. Kuliah Sastra Inggris. Gawe Software Komputer ; Keuangan. Nama: Agil Abdullah Albatati (Engkong Ragile). FB: Agil Abd Albatati. Twitter: @KongRagile. Alamat: Kemang Jakarta Selatan
Komunitas Planet Kenthir berdiri sejak 22 Oktober 2010 di blog Kompasiana... bebas berekspresi untuk menemukan ide-ide unik yg menggelitik.
Admin Berjamaah Planet Kenthir sejak 2016: Herry FK, Ragile, Selsa, Marla Suryani Thalib, Pebrianov, Nanang Diyanto