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Abigail Christie
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The Characteristic in The Main Character Alice's in The Novel Through The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

12 April 2022   20:50 Diperbarui: 12 April 2022   21:48 439
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Novel. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Fotografierende


Through the Looking Glass is a novel by Lewis Carroll. This novel tells about Alice who enters into a wonderful world. She entered the world by entering the mirror that she climbed. In there, Alice finds that everything is like a reflection, everything is reserved including her logic. Many characters she had never seen before in that world.
This research analysis the main characters in the novel Through the Looking
Glass by Lewis Carroll. The purpose of this research is to know more about Alice's
 characteristic. What's more, Alice's character is show how to be a brave woman, and
 from Alice we can learn that we can chase something we want, go places we've never
 been, and try new things that we've never done before.

This study uses qualitative research, namely descriptive research by explaining how Alice's character survives this dangerous adventure.
And for the moral from this novel is first, by knowing ourselves we will
succeed. The second is ridiculous, there's no better story that features the ridiculous and
the weird as this one. The life we live we can do with fun and not free ourselves from
seriousness. Third, advice can come from the most unexpected places. Fourth, always
 take the time to help your friends.
And last is believe in madness, believe in the impossible everything in Alice Through the Looking Glass seems impossible, but it
happens that everything makes up some sort of logic in the end. Always believe in the impossible.

Keywords: Through the Looking Glass, Purpose, Qualitative research, Moral

1.1 Background
     A character is a participant, actor, or character in a story, usually a person but perhaps their personal identity comes from a work of fiction. Characters could be classified into two groups, they are the main or main characters and small characters. The main character is a character who are a prioritize in the story made. The main character played an important role in a film story or novel. Minor figures or we are often called supporters of drama, novels and even films, they have no important role. Characters are the people who present in a narrative film or drama that are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with moral qualities and dispositions expressed in what they say and what they do in action.
From the statement above it could be concluded that character are the way of life on human being. In this research, the researcher only used character element. In this study, the researcher only focused on the characteristics the main character of the novel the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (1832-1898) or Lewis Carroll, was the author of Through the Looking Glass. He born on Jan. 27, 1832, Lewis Carroll passed a happy childhood in the rectories of his father, the Reverend Charles Dodgson. For his nine sisters and two brothers he frequently made up games and wrote stories and poems, some of which fore shadow the delights of Alice.
In the novel, the character shows that she dominantly expresses the struggle of the main character, not only to survive in that a dangerous adventure, but also to learn and became a woman with new feelings about her own subjectivity.

The subjectivity of women who in that are case could teach that we could be pursue something interesting, break into places where we are not present, try new thing, keep an eye on every phenomenon, tell stories, argue with authority figures, ask too many questions, and walk away from home without worrying about how to return. Although Alice finds herself to live up to others expectations, Alice grows up to be a brave woman and becomes a strong willed hero to choose her own path. Alice could be a role model for woman, playing the character as a brave woman.

 1.2 Identification of Problem
 This research identified the problem as follows:
1. The characteristics contained the main character in each problem portrayed in the novel The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

1.3 Formulation of Problem
The researcher formulated the statement of questions as follows:
1. What are the characteristics of Alice in the novel The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll?

2.1 Type of the Research
The writer used qualitative research method for this research. Qualitative methodologies are concerned with how the researcher can explore and analysing whatever they believes can be known, and are based upon prior epistemological assumptions. It was library source relating to the topic analysis of the main characters
 Alice's. In collecting the data, the writer used the technique of contents analysis.
The writer determined the elements of the story relating to the main character. In analysing the data, the writer did some steps. First, the writer read the novel the Looking Glass repeatedly. Second, the writer analysing the main characters. Third, the writer read some references which are relevant with the research. And finally, the writer searched some sources from the internet.

3.1 The characteristics contained the main character in each problem portrayed in the novel The Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll
In this research, the researcher only focuses on the main character who is the central character in the novel Through the Looking Glass. In this research analysis the main character or personality of Alice. Alice has a reasonable, well trained and polite character. from the start the brow is a middle class Victorian woman. Alice is the perfect foil or counter to all the unsocial and ill-behaved eccentrics she encounters in Wonderland. Alice's constant resources and strength are her courage, her dignity, her
 candor his prudence, and art of conversation all let him down but when the chips run out, Alice reveals something to the Queen of Hearts that Alice has all the virtues of Victoria. Including the ancient capacity for rationalization but it is Alice's common sense that makes these bickering wonderland creatures seem perverted despite what they perceive to be their adult identities Alice doesn't fit into conventional stereotypes.
Alice is neither an angel nor a brat, she is simply a woman of extraordinary curiosity, but that is balanced by restraint. Alice is also balanced in other respects. For example, when controlling her growth and shrinkage, she only tasted cakes labeled "eat me" and there was never a hint that she would try to use her size gains to control his destiny and establish the rules of dictatorial behavior for Wonderland.
Caterpillar finds joy in teasing Alice with her chatty, formal verb play and the brusque Duchess turns into a corrupt, ridiculous set of rules but behind the joy they could see, Alice felt hatred as well as anger. Alice isn't too simplistic to take away the gruesome aspect of Wonderland's character. On the other hand, when Alice imagined her personality in a dream, Alice saw herself as simple, sweet, innocent and confused.
A strong moral conscience is at work in all of Alice's responses to the wonderland, but she on the other hand shows the insensitivity of a child in discussing her cat Dinah with a frightened mouse in a puddle of tears. In general, Alice's modesty owes much to Victoria's repressively domesticated feminine passivity. Little by little Alice's naturalness, sense of responsibility and other good qualities will emerge on her journey through the wonderland, especially in experimental scenes. Alice has a character with her virtue, curiosity, courage, kindness, intelligence, politeness, dignity,
 and a sense of justice, she even has a motherly nature. but his constant and universal human characteristic is.a simple miracle that all children (and living children in most adults) can easily recognize.

 4.1 Conclusion
After analysing the data, the researcher comes to the conclusions that the main character Alice has a character that is reasonable, kind, polite, simple, motherly, dignified and has a sense of justice. For all the things and struggles she faces in Wonderland, Alice has the courage to go through many things that are certainly not easy, but with the courage she has and belief in herself, Alice can get through it well. Alice also has an honest character and is very careful about everything she encounters.
In addition, Alice has an extraordinary curiosity about new things she
 encounters, but Alice can control herself so that Alice is not careless in the things she is dealing with. Alice is also loyal to her friends, she is very sincere in helping and accompanying her friends who are in trouble, she does not have herself when there is a problem, but she puts her friends first. Alice has many positive traits that we can see as lessons in our lives, this novel provides many lessons through the main character Alice.
The moral message that we can learn from this novel is:

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