"PT. Trans Purwasuka may form a subsidiary and/or own shares in another company in the form of a limited liability company whose capital is divided into shares which are wholly or at least 51% of the shares are owned by the West Java Provincial Government."
PT. Trans Purwasuka as a regional government company after being stipulated by a regional regulation or Peraturan Daerah (Perda) directly in the authority to manage transportation is a regional government agency that is responsible for all transportation mode systems.
If PT. Trans Purwasuka, based on the Transport for London (TfL) system, can manage West Java buses such as the London bus, the West Java underground electric fast train network such as the London Underground, the West Java Light Rail Transit as the West Java LRT such as the Docklands Light Railway, commuter trains West Java is like London Overground and West Java tram is like London Tram.
Thus, interesting research Transport for London (TfL) also operates London river services, Victoria Bus Station, congestion charge schemes, major road network, all 6,000 London traffic lights, regulates flying taxis and private public transport modes.
Therefore, PT. Trans Purwasuka as a public sector organization seeks to adopt Transport for London (TfL) with the private sector by expecting a win-win solution.
Management of transportation modes related to public interest requires the role of the Governor and DPRD in the preparation, discussion and approval of regional regulations atau peraturan daerah (perda) on Trans Purwasuka based on Transport for London (TfL) because the local government administrators are the Governor and DPRD.
The Governor and DPRD of West Java created the Trans Purwasuka system as an upscale public transportation mode that took time. Upscale public transportation needs an additional basis for the ideal benefits of public transportation in service planning.
Proof of the success of the ideal benefit of integrating different types of public transport in the significant growth in the use of public transport in London, particularly end-to-end services.
"Affordability, efficiency, and security of public transportation with the safest and ecologically sustainable public transportation system in end-to-end services."
End-to-end services from London can be applied to various modes of public transportation in West Java including PT. Trans Purwasuka can provide adequate public transportation services for public transportation users with a pattern of integration and connectivity with an integrated electronic fare payment system.
The integrated electronic fare payment system can calculate fares based on distance or time, regardless of the number of passenger transfers. Various public transportations can also distribute their income evenly according to the distance traveled by certain modes of transportation in that service.