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Komodo Park Officially One of 'New 7 Wonders of Nature'

23 Mei 2012   06:30 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   04:56 73
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Sosbud. Sumber ilustrasi: Indonesia

Komodo Island is one of the most unique island in Indonesia. We can see the nearly extinct animals there and how people protect them. Komodo Island also provide us the uniqueness of Indonesia. Komodo Island almost has the same role and function as a park zoo, its to protect the habitat inside. What makes it different is the concept of ecotourism. Ecotourism is a form of travel tourism to a natural area or place which aimed to conserved the environment and the prosperity of local citizens.

Generally, the concept of ecotourism puts on highlight on three main ideas. First, sustainable development of the environment. Second, economic growth and third, psychologically to the native people. So, with the appearance of this ecotourism concept in Komodo Island and also with the other development on tourism in Indonesia, they will create a sustainable development on tourism which is a development and establishment of tourism that ecologically produce benefits on economic and ethnically gives social benefit to the citizens, natives in fulfilling the need of tourists, of course with the realization on the socio-culture aspect and also give possibility to the young generations now and future to expand and develop it. By being “New 7 Wonders of Nature’ in a country will give a good impact and can increase the reputation of tourism in that country.

In capitalizing the tourism, it needs a big role of all stakeholders like tourism industry, the tourists, local citizens, government and non government, and also the scholar by increasing the infrastructure, accomodation, transportation to get there, the Local Economic Development like UKM, and also give English course for local citizens. Beside that, the most important thing to make the sustainable development in tourism are:

  1. Decrease the negative impact to the environment which served as the object of ecotourism.
  2. Increase the development of environment and supporting the sustainable development program.
  3. Give a contribution to the preservation of biodiversity in the environment which served as the object of ecotourism.
  4. Reduce the consumption of  non-renewable resources.
  5. Preserve the indigenous wisdom owned by local citizens.

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