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6148 ADHI HENDRAWAN Mohon Tunggu... Pelajar Sekolah - Adhi Hendrawan, a student of English Literature, University of Ahmad Dahlan.

This article was made by Adhi Hendrawan, a student of English Literature, University of Ahmad Dahlan. This article was inspired by the sources of the opening ceremony youth communication day 2021.



Ilmu Sosbud

Impact of This Hybrid Moment on Communication and Work

23 Desember 2021   02:25 Diperbarui: 23 Desember 2021   02:31 155
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What is hybrid communication? 

Hybrid communication connects two completely different types of workers. To meet the global demands of today's Postcovet 19, we need to accelerate the development of hybrid office and remote workers. This new type of communication allows workers to work the few days and other days they choose to work in the office. Because you can work from home, the differences between the five hybrid models are explained as follows: 

  1. The static hybrid

every teammate has a hard and fast paintings vicinity both withinside the workplace or at home

  1. dynamic hybrid

personnel determine in which they paintings from withinside the workplace or remotely

  1. synchronized hybrid

group contributors paintings remotely and withinside the workplace however they arrive at the workplace at the identical time

  1. default digital

people can paintings from anywhere they need with no expectancies from time to time this version is known as the far-flung first version

  1. the absolutely disbursed hybrid

this version is known as absolutely far-flung 

Not all companies have the same components, so the choice of the right hybrid model depends on the size of the company, the setup, and the specific requirements. The choice of a hybrid working model is not the same. The most beneficial to the type of work should be the first consideration.

These are hybrid modes. 

 Synchronous and asynchronous communication, like school, we practice synchronous and asynchronous communication.

  1. Synchronous communication 

It occurs in real time and is inded to provide an immediate response. Most communicationsnte in a typical office environment are synchronous, and examples of these established communications are face-to-face phone calls, video conferences, and instant messaging. Synchronous communication, if done on a regular basis, can help remote and hybrid teams who rarely meet in person to build trust and intimacy.  

It usually does not occur in real-time due to the time lag between sending and receiving information. Unlike synchronous communication, there is no problem with scheduling. Email Fax Team Chat apps and platform collaboration tools Common documents and video messaging are examples For asynchronous communication, high-quality communication is highly dependent 

  1. Asynchronous communication 

is advantageous for location and remote work. This type of hybrid communication reduces employee stress because there is ample time left for coordination and response. Further distributed teams can work more effectively and productively

 Increased productivity with the benefits of hybrid communication 


  1. Remote work mode allows employees to focus more and more on stress. There is almost no travel time when changing clothes or getting up early, and you can start working at any time. 

  2. Increased flexibility Allowing employees to have a flexible working style allows employers to access a variety of communication tools and apps that allow them to stay in touch with data subjects even when they are working from home. It is one of the most beautiful morals you can exercise. 

  3. Lack of trust and misunderstandings can be a serious problem, especially for distributed teams. It will be possible to build a meaningful relationship. This is especially true if you have daily conversations for communication. 

  4. Improved collaboration, We are still discussing the benefits of hybrid communication. Internal communication affects the efficiency of team players working on a project, even if members are not meeting. Members find it more comfortable to work with them. The scattered teams are responsible for getting the job done. Because hybrid communication guarantees timely cooperation. 

  5. Employee involvement: Employees can work together more comfortably, you will be more devoted, trust and cooperation, especially if there is no pressure from other employees. 

  6. Improve employee performance, It empowers you when you feel you are part of a great team that improves employee performance when the communication channel is open, leading to the pursuit of perfection. Employee performance is influenced by well-being and commitment.

Five important elements of happiness 

  1. The purpose is to love what you do every day and motivate you to profit 

  2. Social, supportive relationships, and love in your life 

  3. Economy to relieve stress Financial Management of Life 

  4. Like A community  where you live safely and are proud of your community 

  5. Physically healthy and having  enough energy to get things done every day 


Barriers to effective hybrid communication 

  1. Loss of physical office 

  2. Unconscious employee prejudice 

  3. Diluting corporate culture 

  4. Isolated workplace 

  5. Lack of transparency 

  6. Employee Welfare

Hybrid communication strategy 

Hybrid work still seems to be the main form of work, but it does not guarantee that it will work well for all companies. The type of work customizes the business and communication tools needed and what do employees expect?  You need to implement the standard and follow the protocol. The transition to a hybrid work model does not occur in the blink of an eye with positive attitude communication tools and apps. Hybrid 

It is important to train the team about the nature and expectations of the work and the entire process. 


fills the hybrid communication gap 

Certain loopholes need to be closed to avoid interruptions in communication. Answer questions. Provide feedback to  share up-to-date information on related companies and ultimately help the hybrid workforce  achieve an excellent score of Motivate


What will we assume with inside destiny?

  1. excessive breed workplaces

  2. hybrid personnel

  3. hybrid communique 

conventional in-workplace paintings and traditional face-to-face communique are lengthy long gone in keeping with Anjan Bojic who shared her article on social media there may be no actuality of what destiny holds however with the latest enhancements in techniques and hybrid paintings fashions personnel may also have the risk to get the quality of each world 

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