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266 _Dhea pramesti
266 _Dhea pramesti Mohon Tunggu... Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Author: Shafa Aqila Alkatiri (A320180264) Dhea Pramesti Regita Cahyani (A320180266) Anita Yulistiani (A320180267)



Ilmu Sosbud

Semiotic Analysis on The Representation of Feminism in Nancy Spring's Enola Holmes Novel

16 Januari 2022   16:54 Diperbarui: 16 Januari 2022   17:02 602
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The behavior that describes the feminism of Enola Holmes is when she runs away from her home in Ferndell Hall to London to avoid her brother's plans to want Enola to school personality and when he goes undercover to be a man to carry out his mission. In addition, the form of feminism depicted in Enola Holmes's novel is about Enola's way of thinking when he made decisions. 

In conclusion, Nancy Springer's Enola Holmes is an interesting book to pick up. It has mystery, which in itself is very engaging to read, but also the representation of feminism and the topic of gender inequality within society that needs to be addressed even to this day. 

Reading this book would most likely give the reader a more understanding of what feminism is, about the gender roles that society managed to push down women's throats, and how condescending some people can be towards women because of it.

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