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Story of My Life About Migration to The City

10 Desember 2014   15:33 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   15:37 16
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My life nowadays become different. When I roud offmy resolvefor continue my attend school in university Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang which is beginning. I’am life in village who trivial and migration to the city now.

My lilfe in village no like that difficult. Because no many people who compete with me. Iwant to do the best to my parent. But, I found a new life now. I’am as like strange woman who confuse. I bathing where all my friends already understanding about technology. Whereas I’am?

I’am but off someone who graduate ofboarding school which no like that understanding about technological. But, from this all my curiosity never faded. I feel more and more embittered of knowledge wich be here. But, I’am aware that I not yet posses all. Meanwhile my friend already sophisticated they are rich who posses all. Laptop, handphone of android, ect. They are have all. Whereas I’am?

I just have gallantry from these. I’am learn something which I didn’t know. Although my friends already posses all. But, I’am convineed that the gallantry didn’t deveated excitement of all them. My problem is but of less facilities to kick my capability. The last just one my mainstay for compete with them, that is gallantry.

I didn’t pick out offriends. All friends who I embrace with like that I more easier for assort with them in the manner of financial capital gallantry. I can compete and adjust with them. Presentation, learn cluster, discussion. I can wolk on carefully. Moreover there is someone who have all facilitie. But, she haven’t gallantry the high until she want to learn how manner explain carefully. With faith self I said to her. “ if you want to have faith self the high to explain in front off your friends. The fastening just one that is gallantry” those people learn about gallantry until she can explain with faith self in front of her friends.

My conviction more forceful when Mr. mukhlis lecture to female university student that gallantry is eminent of financial capital to confort the all defiance. And the gallantry difficult for convinced of self someone. Now, I sense my life the require the alteration. Many experience here. And I must battle for pick up my wish that is make rightfully proud my parent. So just one who must you recall. That is gallantry…

welfare attempt!!!

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