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Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta



Ilmu Sosbud

Teach Good Language to Children from An Early Age

26 Desember 2022   23:42 Diperbarui: 26 Desember 2022   23:54 68
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 There are many children who use bad language in their daily lives, and many are even found starting from elementary school. The use of offensive language by children cannot just happen but beforehand through the process of absorption of knowledge obtained from the environment. The environment that is first received by a child is the family. Therefore, it is important to educate the family from childhood to teach good language and provide direction not to speak harshly. Guidance can be done with the habit of parents to say good things so that children will imitate them. 

In forming the habit, it can be started from the age of 0-1 years, because at that age the child can only respond to sound and see facial expressions, then over time the child will be able to repeat the vowels he is used to hearing. Then, when a child is 1 to 2 years old, the child is able to say simple words that are usually spoken by their parents. Here, it can be seen that if a parent teaches the language to his child, is it good or bad, because the child can repeat the words he usually hears. . At the age of up to 3 years a child has begun to understand the words they mention, therefore a parent teaches the spoken word while at the same time providing an understanding that is easily understood by a child. 

Furthermore, at the age of 3-4 years, children have started to socialize in the surrounding environment, at this time parents must condition a good environment so that children are not affected by a bad environment, including their words. At the age of 4 to 5 years, children are already speaking in complete sentences and can tell stories to the people around them. At this age, children will influence each other so parental supervision is still very much needed. 

The way parents control the words spoken by children is by giving good vocabulary and exemplifying it in everyday life, besides that they don't give gadgets as long as they can't distinguish between good and bad, but if they want to give gadgets when opening it must be supervised so that they do not open or see bad content, and it is also necessary to accustom children to book literacy, so that it becomes a good habit and broad insight so that children will not have the urge to say harsh words if supported by a good environment.

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