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Abd. Ghofar Al Amin
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Kebijakan Pilihan

Naskah Pidato Spektakuler Jokowi di Forum APEC

13 November 2014   21:44 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   17:52 5193
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Presiden Jokowi (foto; blog.wsj)

Berikut Pidato Presiden Jokowi di Forum APEC lengkap terjemahannya, sederhana tapi membahana :

Ladies and gentlemen, and CEOs, good morning.

First, on behalf of Indonesian Government and the people of Indonesia, I would like to thank you for your coming to my presentation. Today, I am happy, I am very happy, to be among with you, because you know I was a businessman years ago. So, this morning, I am very happy because we can talk about business, about investment with all of you.

The picture shows you our map of Indonesia. We have a population 240 million and the distance is like from London in UK to Istanbul in Turkey. And imagine, we have 17,000 islands. 17,000 islands.

Our national budget on 2015 is $167 billion and for fuel subsidy is $27 billion. It’s huge. So we want to channel our fuel subsidy from consumption to the productive activitiy. From consumptive productivity to, from consumptive activitiy to productive activitiy. We want to channel our fuel subsidy to the farm for seeds, for fertilizers, and also for irrigation. And we want to build dams – 25 dams in 5 years from our fuel subsidy to maintain the water supply to the farming area.

Some subsidy we want to channel to the fishermen, to give them boat engine, to give them refrigerator. We want to increase the income of the fishermen. Some fuel subsidy we want to channel to micro and small enterprises in the villages. We want to help them raise their working capital. And some subsidy we want to channel to the health program, the education program. And some subsidy we want to channel to the infrastructure.

In 5 years we want to build 24 seaports and deep seaports. As you know, we have 17,000 islands, so we need seaports and we need deep seaports. And this is your opportunity: 24 seaports and deep seaports.

The picture shows you our Jakarta Port, Tanjung Priok port. In 2009, the capacity is 3.6 million TEUs a year, and our plan in 2017 is around 15 million TEUs a year. This is the potential ports in Indonesia. This is your opportunity. We want to build in Sumatera island, in Kalimantan island, in Java island, in Sulawesi island, in Maluku island, also in Papua island.

And we plan to build our railway track, railway network. Now we have already in Java and we want to build in Sumatera island, in Kalimantan island, in Sulawesi island and also in Papua island. This is your opportunity.

Now we talk about mass transportation. We want to build our mass transportation in 6 big cities in Indonesia. We have started in Jakarta last year, and we want to build in Medan, in Makassar, in Semarang, in Bandung, in Surabaya. So, this is also your opportunity, because you know our national budget is limited.

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